The only people that drink Tanqueray and/or Corona are women and guys that squat to pee.
Corona is one of the worst beers ever made with one of the best marketing departments.
Much akin to Australia's Fosters Lager.
Australian' s don't drink that crap, they just export it to wannabes.
No self respecting Australian would touch the stuff. And actually, Fosters is really Aussie speak for piss.
Coincidence that it is named Fosters......think about it.
Originally Posted by: vikesrule
I've seen the Corona commercials and can assure you that any guy drinking Corona is more likely than not a pussy. They're made for women and for guys who hate being guys. They're all about male bashing.
Corona's not a beer. It's flavored water. Like Coors Lite. Real men don't drink Coors Lite either.
As for Tanqueray, wouldn't know. I'll take your word for it.
America makes some pretty good beers. The Mrs and I like to drink from small breweries and are often satisfied with the results. Of the larger ones, Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada are both pretty good breweries. Funny thing, I really liked both breweries for a long time and when Consumer Reports did their beer reports, they listed those 2 as the best American breweries. No, I don't work for Consumer Reports. 'Twas coincidence, but I guess great minds...
And I think it's too funny you worked in that slam on Foster. Poor guy.
Back to the outsourcing, Wade, you explained yourself a lot better. OK, we're in partial agreement then.
As for buying things made in America, if I'm given an option, I'll buy made in America. If no option is given, I'll avoid buying a Chinese made product, even if it means going without.
Americans still make the best products. I'll put up a Gibson guitar up against any other guitar. Although, the Japanese are neck and neck with guitars. Their high end models = our high end models.
Cars - Saturn was the best car ever made. 12k got you a car that had high safety ratings, good gas mileage, a good stereo, and it worked. But then again, that's why it went out of business. They didn't charge enough.
As for Olympic uniforms, they should be made in America. It's the Olympics - make the fucking uniforms in America.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. š¹š¹ š²š² š¦š·