People are murdered in every major city every day.
Don't they deserve the 24/7 CNN, NBC, ABC coverage just as much?
Where's the uproar over every other murder?
(Or the thousands of TRUELY innocent unborn children murdered in this country every year in abortion clinics?)
Sorry if i upset anyone with that comment. It's just the way i feel.
More people will march to "save the whales" or the "rainforest" then children still in the womb.
Something's just not right about that.
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
Right, so because attention is not brought out on every murder, we should pretend none exist? Sorry, that's wrong. Flip on the local news, it's mentioned, I know because it's why I stopped watching!
The media is stupid, but guess what, if we didn't click the articles or pay attention to what they say, they wouldn't say it. I hate it as much as the next person, but shit, I'm guilty of it from time to time when I have nothing better to do while killing time waiting for a tele-conference meeting to conclude.
I absolutely HATE it when people say 'why the attention to this, but not the other similar' because it's foolish. You bring attention to any unjust act and HOPE it can be used as a catalyst to prevent similar unjust acts! Same thing I said about the Kony whatever thing.
As for the abortion comment, please, they have loads of people picketing against abortion and for abortion. That gets plenty attention, and in my personal experience of seeing the grotesque signs while driving... too much attention. Same goes to those inconsiderate pricks who show bloody animals to kids as they are leaving the circus.
Wheres the uproar... there is your damn uproar! (like a kittens meow!!) 🙂