Dingus, beleiev me, i know more about racism then you think.
"Reverse discrimination" has hit me my entire life.
Yes, minorities were treated bad in this country in the past. And the country has gone overboard the other way to somehow make up for it.
Let me ask a question (to everyone) on here.
What if Zimmerman was YOUR brother, or close friend? Would you want the "rush to judgement" that you have seen all over the networks?
They arn't "newscasts" anymore. They are all about getting people to watch. The more "sensational" the more viewers they get. There is no "journalism" anymore. GET THE SCOOP! and worry about if there is any truth to it LATER.
I just hope i (or any of my loved ones) are never put into a situation like this, where you have the entire country wanting to string you up, without anyone "bothering" to waste time with the facts.
As i have stated over and over, i don't truly know what happned. NO ONE on this site truely knows what happened.
As far as OJ Simpson, i saw alot of the trial on TV. And from that, i based my opinion on his guilt.
I would NOT however, have jailed him based on what i saw on TV. I would have to have been in the courtroom for the entire trial to come to a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict. As i said, it's m ONLY my opinion based on what i saw, which is alot more then i have seen on the Zimmerman case.