We're home. 8 hours out, 10 hours back, the back in a constant snowstorm, complete with road coverage (snow) and a-hole TT-driver's flying low anyway. It was brutal, but this little boy is proving to be every-bit-worth the whole ordeal.
The shelter named him "Blue". He has a tongue that is about 40% blue. Yep, blue. We don't know why yet.
He is a very, very good boy. No accidents of the pee-pee or poopie variety at all, he is extraordinarily friendly and faithful, right from the start. I think we hit a major home run, and the idea that I had to go NW of Dayton to get him- in a snowstorm- well, it helps to honor the memory of my most faithful dog Maxi-doodle, in that we wanted a boy that was reasonably like him. This little guy is definitely a "small emergency back-up"*... Perspective-wise- Doodle on a big-league diet got way down to 125- Blue is currently 34, and I doubt he will ever hit 50. He is a tiny doodle.
* (Shout-out to Dave Barry, columnist and comedian... has two dogs, "large main dog and small emergency back-up dog."
I'm very happy, more importantly, my very good wife is happy, and so is my new boy Blue.
I think my boy Doodle would be happy, too. 😇