Remember that the definition of assault is simply bringing someone into the fear of danger, so it's literally possible to be charged with assault for advancing threateningly on someone or even just yelling at them. No contact is implied by the word assault.
A lot of these charges get dropped immediately, especially when the woman realizes the seriousness of what she has started far outweighs what she intended. It's not at all uncommon for the offended woman to be begging the cops not to drag the guy away.
Oddly enough, there are still people who are stupid enough not to realize the cops will intervene if you call them. Especially when a woman is involved, they are required by law to do so.
Yes, when it comes to domestic abuse cases, I stand firmly on the side of the man until pretty convincing evidence to the contrary emerges. The law is just too wildly stacked against men, and the charges too frequently abused by women, to react any other way.
Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel