Don't you have to live in Brown County for the lottery to apply? That applies to all of 248,007 people, or less than 0.08% of the United States population.
Oh, and Kevin, what the hell is wrong with wanting to be able to buy a ticket for your own team, like you can at almost any stadium in the league? Why should my only chance to get a ticket be to be forced to wait decades for the privelge of buying a ticket for every home game -- including two preseason games -- an opportunity I would never have the money nor the time to avail myself of? I don't see any way to rationally defend such a system, particularly not from a fan's perspective.
Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel
Yes sir, you must live in Brown County. You live far west in Wisconsin though, right? 248,005, Keiana and I left!!
What is wrong, EVERYTHING is wrong with wanting to be able to buy a ticket for your own team. It's the Packers fault those tickets are sold out. They should have a 2 year life expectancy rather than being able to pass them down to their kids, kids kids and so forth. It's absurd the Packers don't have to worry about blackouts, like most other professional sports teams.
It wouldn't be every home game, it would be six home games. Gold Package (Milwaukee) fans get two home games.
I don't really care for the system, but then again, anytime I've had the extra money to go to a game, I'm always able to find someone who's willing to sell a ticket or two. In fact, I'll be going to the Lions game when I'm back in Wisconsin late December/early January. Damn, I spelled January wrong the first time. That and Wednesday I always screw up.