I am definitely hearing ya Engineer, I don't know if you caught any of my Vince Lombardi diatribe yesterday, but suffice to say I dig on some good old-fashioned discipline. Unfortunately we are not allowed to take anyone out back of the Don H center and pop a cap into them to set the example (that's the Marine in me lol).
Obviously I think he is too even keeled, but I also don't know how he operates behind those practice facility walls...I have my suspicions, but they are just that. I'll also go one further and say his methods of leadership/coaching are probably more effective than say, mine, at least with today's coddled athlete.
I will say this, though... When one of my troops didn't perform to my expectations, they knew about it...and it wasn't some "grade" I gave 'em...think more along the lines of them thinking there was a strong possibility that I just might bust a cap into them...worked, too.
All that said, I am not about to start throwing either MM or Ted Thompson under any buses. Christ knows we all went through way too much in this off-season to start that shit up again because things haven't been going as we hoped, contrasted with what could be possible and/or expected.
Still like to see him lighting a fire under someone's ass...