the point is too many complaints in milwaukee at the union office with the rainbow of colors costs to much for whinning complaints if they would have just did there jobs i told them to stop or theyd pull out and they are. i have had perfect record for 12yrs the last 3yrs of mishaps i called it. now.......just knowing that i witnessed to people of heaven and hell, polite about yes, but when it comes down to it, we have a patient god. its simple. i feel like i over worked to help me deal with alan being sick to keep him comfortable most of u just dont understand how its so hard for him too do the oh so simple things even if its too talk to you all. i try so hard to keep it real. sometimes what really bothers me is people at work would not respect there health of the job they have had right out of high school. i have had other jobs and know the challenages that happen. i feel that i am being punshed for other peoples sin of not appreciate what they have now what they HAD. i am still human i have responsibilties too my man. and my baby seth angel. i dont want pity nor hand outs. those that are old enough to rememeber the muilwaukee riots i was 6, took care of my dad at 8. made the doctors listen to me when they said alan wasnt sick, they never really told me anything, when he was in for the surgery, you know the privacy law hahahaha i got the bill. thats it. im really tired of jumping and sayin how high seems to be from the fear of my dad drilled into me, but my mom thought gentleness is how god was and is so i married it, and those who care about cheesey should realize the sayin behind a great man, in the shadows is a woman behind him, so let me thank you who took the time to read and take the time to care for the man, and realize i am only human and yes i know its been happenin to alot of people, i just feel that if this union and the people woulda stuck together instead of divid no matter what color and not complaint of the whinning of stupid and work just simple as that i would feel like im being punshed for stil bein a good worker, i even had a grievence on me 3yrs ago for doing to good, i intiminated the others who couldnt do as good, so im not jesus and look what happened to him but i witnessed to my boss who WAS A ATHESIST AND PEOPLE STIL HAVE FREEDOM HERE IN AMERICA SO FAR TO HAVE EASTER. thank you all for being there, and i will be honest sometimes alan has put his bible down, and forgets just how much of a tool he is for others, when others dont look back and say thanks or return the favor, i guess thats all. sorry i talked to long for most of you, but life is to be lived not always in the fast lane, sometimes you have to slow down to take notice, alan and i have been really with out family since our 20s and lived in our 80s, something with change but it would be a devorice of one of us forgeting why we toughed it out this long, TOGETHER, LETS SEE WHAT ADVENTURE WILL HAPPEN JUST A SPEED BUMP.