I've been discussing developing a new site with a co-worker who is talented in ASP.NET as well. He's agreed to help me with building a new website. We both agreed that building a forum from scratch is a helluva task. He also said if PH has a loyal fanbase, some might be pissed if certain features are lacking. Which they most certainly would as it's taken many years for forums to mature to what they are now.
http://testforum.yetanotherforum.net/yaf_topics1_Test-Forum.aspx is going to be the foundation of the the forums.
I'll be drafting up a core features and what not during the week.
I don't expect this to be done anytime soon, but I'm once again excited to give this a go and having someone assist me will push it further.
If you know of any OPEN SOURCE ASP.NET forum, please share. We'll be tying it into the current database as much as possible.