Use credit. The cards are protected better. Just be sure to pay them off every month.
My wife and I use our credit cards for everything. We keep all receipts and pay them off every week online. Note I said week and not month. I'm pretty anal about that.
She gets free coffee, I get cash back.
"musccy" wrote:
I have a credit card with gas-based rewards (shamefully BP, but card expires in 2 months). If I pay it off every month, I get 5% rebate on every BP purchase, 2% rebate on most food/lodging expenditures, and 1% back on everything else. I literally get payed to use my credit card. I have about a $350 check waiting for me from the last 6 or so months to reclaim whenever I want it. Consequently, I virtually never use cash or my debit card.
"zombieslayer" wrote: