Survived the trip, both on and off the courses.
The 3125 marking worked like a charm. They didn't notice until about 9 holes into the 1st round. The guy who first noticed didn't mention it to me, but told the other guys on the sly to look at my ball the next opportunity they got. So my next drive I received an extremely bad plugged lie...
The golf went great. We played 6 days, and I was low score on 4 of the 6. Normally, I'm in the middle of the pack or toward the high end.
On the 2nd round I wore a Packers SB XLV Champs hat, but no one said anything about it. One of the guys commented during the round that I was hitting pretty well. I told him it must be the hat. He said "I noticed. I wasn't going to say anything, but should have figured you would."
I could tell they liked the Steelers Conference Champions hats I gave them before the 3rd round, but only one of them would wear it during the trip since I had the Packers SB XLV Champs hat. I stopped wearing the hat but didn't have any luck getting any more of them to wear it.
My wife mixed bought some green & yellow M&Ms and mixed them together. They wouldn't eat them until they got hungry enough, and then they would only eat the yellow ones.
It's a good thing I made a copy of the Packers song CD before the didn't make it all the way to Myrtle...
It rained the last day, and as we were getting ready to leave I wore the XLV Champs hat again, but tilted my umbrella down so the guys could see my face but not my hat as we were getting ready to shake hands and leave. Then I tilted the umbrella back slightly so the guy could see the hat as we were shaking hands. I thought for a moment that one of them wasn't going to shake, but he laughed and then did.
All in all a very successful trip. I didn't make myself TOO obnoxious, but got as close to the line as I could... š