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16 years ago
If this is just generalized grousing, that's cool. That game didn't put me in a very good mood either. Mike has always had a certain way about him in those pressers, and yesterdays was more about "I wish I didn't have to be here talking to these [strike]assholes[/strike] reporters right now" mode than what he actually said, at least that's how it looked/sounded to me. I looked at the rehash of all of those penalties, and it is logical to blame the coaches. It is the traditional assignment, and when you have a team that is the most penalized, it is probably valid. You know what? ...So what? He has said he is going to continue to be aggressive, he is going to continue to grade out penalties based on the individual circumstance, etc. Do you really think that Mike McCarthy has anything to coach our cornerbacks on when it comes to a penalty? You think they are good listeners in that department? We have been, and will continue to pay for our man-coverage. Darryn Colledge? What should we do? Yell at him? Bench him? Shoot him? (OK, I'll go along with shoot him, but you get my point :icon_smile: ). I'm not going to believe that the coaches are unable to get this team to focus... it is not what I see. I think we are not matching up talent-wise in the trenches, people are getting their asses kicked, and they are jumpy and trying to get an edge on their opponents. If we are going to have a fire Mike McCarthy sentiment like I saw over in purple land as regards Major Dad- (that thread is about 400 pages by now :icon_smile: ), I'm switching to some foreign language so I can use more swear words. I really don't think our players will be confused about Mike McCarthy's unhappiness regarding penalties. Really, do you... or is this just as I said, generalized grousing? I think Mike McCarthy is a hell of a good coach, and I suspect he is a real prick when unhappy, and if you review the presser itself, he was delving into borderline prickdom, which I thought was pretty good, too. :thumbleft:
  • IronMan
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
16 years ago

If this is just generalized grousing, that's cool. That game didn't put me in a very good mood either. Mike has always had a certain way about him in those pressers, and yesterdays was more about "I wish I didn't have to be here talking to these [strike]assholes[/strike] reporters right now" mode than what he actually said, at least that's how it looked/sounded to me. I looked at the rehash of all of those penalties, and it is logical to blame the coaches. It is the traditional assignment, and when you have a team that is the most penalized, it is probably valid. You know what? ...So what? He has said he is going to continue to be aggressive, he is going to continue to grade out penalties based on the individual circumstance, etc. Do you really think that Mike McCarthy has anything to coach our cornerbacks on when it comes to a penalty? You think they are good listeners in that department? We have been, and will continue to pay for our man-coverage. Darryn Colledge? What should we do? Yell at him? Bench him? Shoot him? (OK, I'll go along with shoot him, but you get my point :icon_smile: ). I'm not going to believe that the coaches are unable to get this team to focus... it is not what I see. I think we are not matching up talent-wise in the trenches, people are getting their asses kicked, and they are jumpy and trying to get an edge on their opponents. If we are going to have a fire Mike McCarthy sentiment like I saw over in purple land as regards Major Dad- (that thread is about 400 pages by now :icon_smile: ), I'm switching to some foreign language so I can use more swear words. I really don't think our players will be confused about Mike McCarthy's unhappiness regarding penalties. Really, do you... or is this just as I said, generalized grousing? I think Mike McCarthy is a hell of a good coach, and I suspect he is a real prick when unhappy, and if you review the presser itself, he was delving into borderline prickdom, which I thought was pretty good, too. :thumbleft:

"dfosterf" wrote:

Being aggresive is one thing. What about all the false starts? Do the players not know the god damn snap count? What about all the holding penalties on on the run plays? Do players not know how to run block? And we are over matched talent wise, then who's fault is that?

And what the hell is so wrong about benching someone for fucking up over and over and over and over again? You guys act like thats the worst thing you can do to someone. Damn, it may even hurt their feelings. Tough shit. If getting benched hurts their feelings and affects their play in a negative way, then they need to join the fucking girl scouts.

Yeah, I can be a pain in the ass when I know I'm right.
16 years ago

If this is just generalized grousing, that's cool. That game didn't put me in a very good mood either. Mike has always had a certain way about him in those pressers, and yesterdays was more about "I wish I didn't have to be here talking to these [strike]assholes[/strike] reporters right now" mode than what he actually said, at least that's how it looked/sounded to me. I looked at the rehash of all of those penalties, and it is logical to blame the coaches. It is the traditional assignment, and when you have a team that is the most penalized, it is probably valid. You know what? ...So what? He has said he is going to continue to be aggressive, he is going to continue to grade out penalties based on the individual circumstance, etc. Do you really think that Mike McCarthy has anything to coach our cornerbacks on when it comes to a penalty? You think they are good listeners in that department? We have been, and will continue to pay for our man-coverage. Darryn Colledge? What should we do? Yell at him? Bench him? Shoot him? (OK, I'll go along with shoot him, but you get my point :icon_smile: ). I'm not going to believe that the coaches are unable to get this team to focus... it is not what I see. I think we are not matching up talent-wise in the trenches, people are getting their asses kicked, and they are jumpy and trying to get an edge on their opponents. If we are going to have a fire Mike McCarthy sentiment like I saw over in purple land as regards Major Dad- (that thread is about 400 pages by now :icon_smile: ), I'm switching to some foreign language so I can use more swear words. I really don't think our players will be confused about Mike McCarthy's unhappiness regarding penalties. Really, do you... or is this just as I said, generalized grousing? I think Mike McCarthy is a hell of a good coach, and I suspect he is a real prick when unhappy, and if you review the presser itself, he was delving into borderline prickdom, which I thought was pretty good, too. :thumbleft:

"IronMan" wrote:

Being aggresive is one thing. What about all the false starts? Do the players not know the god damn snap count? What about all the holding penalties on on the run plays? Do players not know how to run block? And we are over matched talent wise, then who's fault is that?

And what the hell is so wrong about benching someone for fucking up over and over and over and over again? You guys act like thats the worst thing you can do to someone. Damn, it may even hurt their feelings. Tough shit. If getting benched hurts their feelings and affects their play in a negative way, then they need to join the fucking girl scouts.

Yeah, I can be a pain in the ass when I know I'm right.

"dfosterf" wrote:

Hey, me too... I don't even have a personal requirement to be right :icon_smile:

Go ahead and rant, my brother, I'm feelin' the pain, too. I'm gonna need to see your revised roster after we put your plan in place:

K. Hall--- HOLDING--- put him on the friggin' bench... the big turd
D. Driver--- HOLDING--- sit your ass down, you undisciplined puke
J. Spitz---HOLDING--- Keep your hands to yourself, moron, have a seat
D.Colledge---INELIGIBLE DOWN FIELD- park it, fool
A. Rodgers---DELAY OF GAME-- Sit, stupid-- FLYNN- GET YOUR ASS UP!
D. Bishop--- UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS- Go join the platoon on the pine
D.Colledge- FALSE START-- Who the hell snuck YOU back into this game?
C.Clifton- FALSE START--- Get your geezer gut off my football field.

There. Fixed it. Very satisfying, I might add... Maybe your idea is better than I initially thought. It would be very entertaining in it's own right to see all of them sitting on "THE MIKE MCCARTHY DOGHOUSE BENCH"... Hell if we're going to lose anyway...that would definitely kick Mike Singletary's rant off the top of the ESPN charts... IRONMAN, you may have something here :thumbleft:
  • IronMan
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
16 years ago
My message to the team would be,

Ok boys I have some good news and bad news.

The good news:
I'm going to take this team to the Super Bowl.

The bad news:
Several of you will not be with us when we get there.
16 years ago

If this is just generalized grousing, that's cool. That game didn't put me in a very good mood either. Mike has always had a certain way about him in those pressers, and yesterdays was more about "I wish I didn't have to be here talking to these [strike]assholes[/strike] reporters right now" mode than what he actually said, at least that's how it looked/sounded to me. I looked at the rehash of all of those penalties, and it is logical to blame the coaches. It is the traditional assignment, and when you have a team that is the most penalized, it is probably valid. You know what? ...So what? He has said he is going to continue to be aggressive, he is going to continue to grade out penalties based on the individual circumstance, etc. Do you really think that Mike McCarthy has anything to coach our cornerbacks on when it comes to a penalty? You think they are good listeners in that department? We have been, and will continue to pay for our man-coverage. Darryn Colledge? What should we do? Yell at him? Bench him? Shoot him? (OK, I'll go along with shoot him, but you get my point :icon_smile: ). I'm not going to believe that the coaches are unable to get this team to focus... it is not what I see. I think we are not matching up talent-wise in the trenches, people are getting their asses kicked, and they are jumpy and trying to get an edge on their opponents. If we are going to have a fire Mike McCarthy sentiment like I saw over in purple land as regards Major Dad- (that thread is about 400 pages by now :icon_smile: ), I'm switching to some foreign language so I can use more swear words. I really don't think our players will be confused about Mike McCarthy's unhappiness regarding penalties. Really, do you... or is this just as I said, generalized grousing? I think Mike McCarthy is a hell of a good coach, and I suspect he is a real prick when unhappy, and if you review the presser itself, he was delving into borderline prickdom, which I thought was pretty good, too. :thumbleft:

"dfosterf" wrote:

Being aggresive is one thing. What about all the false starts? Do the players not know the god damn snap count? What about all the holding penalties on on the run plays? Do players not know how to run block? And we are over matched talent wise, then who's fault is that?

And what the hell is so wrong about benching someone for fucking up over and over and over and over again? You guys act like thats the worst thing you can do to someone. Damn, it may even hurt their feelings. Tough shit. If getting benched hurts their feelings and affects their play in a negative way, then they need to join the fucking girl scouts.

Yeah, I can be a pain in the ass when I know I'm right.

"IronMan" wrote:

Hey, me too... I don't even have a personal requirement to be right :icon_smile:

Go ahead and rant, my brother, I'm feelin' the pain, too. I'm gonna need to see your revised roster after we put your plan in place:

K. Hall--- HOLDING--- put him on the friggin' bench... the big turd
D. Driver--- HOLDING--- sit your ass down, you undisciplined puke
J. Spitz---HOLDING--- Keep your hands to yourself, moron, have a seat
D.Colledge---INELIGIBLE DOWN FIELD- park it, fool
A. Rodgers---DELAY OF GAME-- Sit, stupid-- FLYNN- GET YOUR ASS UP!
D. Bishop--- UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS- Go join the platoon on the pine
D.Colledge- FALSE START-- Who the hell snuck YOU back into this game?
C.Clifton- FALSE START--- Get your geezer gut off my football field.

There. Fixed it. Very satisfying, I might add... Maybe your idea is better than I initially thought. It would be very entertaining in it's own right to see all of them sitting on "THE MIKE MCCARTHY DOGHOUSE BENCH"... Hell if we're going to lose anyway...that would definitely kick Mike Singletary's rant off the top of the ESPN charts... IRONMAN, you may have something here :thumbleft:

"dfosterf" wrote:

That was gold, Jerry. GOLD!
  • IronMan
  • Veteran Member Topic Starter
16 years ago

If this is just generalized grousing, that's cool. That game didn't put me in a very good mood either. Mike has always had a certain way about him in those pressers, and yesterdays was more about "I wish I didn't have to be here talking to these [strike]assholes[/strike] reporters right now" mode than what he actually said, at least that's how it looked/sounded to me. I looked at the rehash of all of those penalties, and it is logical to blame the coaches. It is the traditional assignment, and when you have a team that is the most penalized, it is probably valid. You know what? ...So what? He has said he is going to continue to be aggressive, he is going to continue to grade out penalties based on the individual circumstance, etc. Do you really think that Mike McCarthy has anything to coach our cornerbacks on when it comes to a penalty? You think they are good listeners in that department? We have been, and will continue to pay for our man-coverage. Darryn Colledge? What should we do? Yell at him? Bench him? Shoot him? (OK, I'll go along with shoot him, but you get my point :icon_smile: ). I'm not going to believe that the coaches are unable to get this team to focus... it is not what I see. I think we are not matching up talent-wise in the trenches, people are getting their asses kicked, and they are jumpy and trying to get an edge on their opponents. If we are going to have a fire Mike McCarthy sentiment like I saw over in purple land as regards Major Dad- (that thread is about 400 pages by now :icon_smile: ), I'm switching to some foreign language so I can use more swear words. I really don't think our players will be confused about Mike McCarthy's unhappiness regarding penalties. Really, do you... or is this just as I said, generalized grousing? I think Mike McCarthy is a hell of a good coach, and I suspect he is a real prick when unhappy, and if you review the presser itself, he was delving into borderline prickdom, which I thought was pretty good, too. :thumbleft:

"dfosterf" wrote:

Being aggresive is one thing. What about all the false starts? Do the players not know the god damn snap count? What about all the holding penalties on on the run plays? Do players not know how to run block? And we are over matched talent wise, then who's fault is that?

And what the hell is so wrong about benching someone for fucking up over and over and over and over again? You guys act like thats the worst thing you can do to someone. Damn, it may even hurt their feelings. Tough shit. If getting benched hurts their feelings and affects their play in a negative way, then they need to join the fucking girl scouts.

Yeah, I can be a pain in the ass when I know I'm right.

"IronMan" wrote:

Hey, me too... I don't even have a personal requirement to be right :icon_smile:

Go ahead and rant, my brother, I'm feelin' the pain, too. I'm gonna need to see your revised roster after we put your plan in place:

K. Hall--- HOLDING--- put him on the friggin' bench... the big turd
D. Driver--- HOLDING--- sit your ass down, you undisciplined puke
J. Spitz---HOLDING--- Keep your hands to yourself, moron, have a seat
D.Colledge---INELIGIBLE DOWN FIELD- park it, fool
A. Rodgers---DELAY OF GAME-- Sit, stupid-- FLYNN- GET YOUR ASS UP!
D. Bishop--- UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS- Go join the platoon on the pine
D.Colledge- FALSE START-- Who the hell snuck YOU back into this game?
C.Clifton- FALSE START--- Get your geezer gut off my football field.

There. Fixed it. Very satisfying, I might add... Maybe your idea is better than I initially thought. It would be very entertaining in it's own right to see all of them sitting on "THE MIKE MCCARTHY DOGHOUSE BENCH"... Hell if we're going to lose anyway...that would definitely kick Mike Singletary's rant off the top of the ESPN charts... IRONMAN, you may have something here :thumbleft:

"dfosterf" wrote:

Now thats going a little over board. But you succeeded in mocking me. Well done.

We are the dumbest team in the NFL and everyone thinks its a joke. Nice.
16 years ago
No, the Raiders are the dumbest team in the NFL. The poor state of affairs of their franchise has gone on for so long it's not even funny to joke about anymore.
16 years ago
i don't give a shite what he says in his pressers - i want improvement ON the field.
16 years ago
You took it wrong, ironman. No mock intended. Shootin' for humor, there, bro.
16 years ago

A DB comes down with a gimme pick and Crosby makes a FG and none of this talk is happening.

But that's football.
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    beast (2-Jan) : Thanks dfosterf, I'm still kicking myself for last week, as I forgot to change to pick Vikings and Lions... after putting in a holding spot.
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : First alternate: Elgton Jenkins Other alternates: Jordan Love, Kenny Clark, Keisean Nixon, Tucker Kraft, Josh Myers, Jaire Alexander
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : Pro Bowl still a thing? Guess Packers have three. Jacobs, Gary, McKinney.
    dfosterf (2-Jan) : It's a mine field with all the players sitting, etc
    dfosterf (2-Jan) : There was quite a bit of "chalk" matchups this year it seemed, but not this week coming up
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : Or we got better and by we I mean everyone except me
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : We have about six that by percent would have won nearly any season. I guess 2024 was predictable 🤷
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : You can check previous seasons. I quick did it and don't think anyone hit 70% before
    dfosterf (2-Jan) : Hats off to the Beast
    dfosterf (2-Jan) : I'm at 71.76% in pick 'em. 2nd place. Beast is at a flat 75% 9 games ahead. That 75% has got to be unprecedented this late in the season
    beast (2-Jan) : I don't care deeply, just want some good entertaining games
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : BTW, not serious.
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : You don't care about it either!!!!
    Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : NIL and Portal killed college, no one cares about it.
    Mucky Tundra (2-Jan) : outside of Texas-Arizona St, it's been a snoozefest
    beast (2-Jan) : I expect Georgia will change that tomorrow, but we'll have to wait and see. If they do, then only Big 10 and SEC are left.
    beast (2-Jan) : So much for Conference Championship meaning something as 100% (so far) of the conference Champions lost their first playoff game.
    Zero2Cool (1-Jan) : Jaire had surgery, season over.
    Mucky Tundra (1-Jan) : I guess I need a new sig Pic. Boo
    Mucky Tundra (1-Jan) : Eric Dickerson approves of this decision
    beast (1-Jan) : Eagles are resting RB Saquon Barkley, so there is no chance he breaks the record despite being just 101 yards from it
    Zero2Cool (1-Jan) : Patriots are waiving veteran pass rusher Yannick Ngakoue
    beast (1-Jan) : Happy New Year's 🥳🎉
    beast (31-Dec) : I want to them chant some songs for Daniel Whelan
    beast (31-Dec) : Let's win one! Also, hopefully the Irish will stand with Daniel Whelan
    Mucky Tundra (31-Dec) : After London and Brazil, I could go without an overseas game for a while
    Zero2Cool (31-Dec) : Packers. Steelers. Ireland. 2025. Reports say.
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Matt Lafleur on if Jaire will play again this season. "Yeah I don't know... he's been dealing with swelling."
    Mucky Tundra (30-Dec) : After the way they played for most of the game yesterday, I don't see how you can sit anyone for the whole game
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : I'd say play everyone. Going into playoffs at 7th seed on two game lose streak - yucky
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Do the Packers have any best players?
    beast (30-Dec) : Play or Rest*
    beast (30-Dec) : Should the Packers play or free their best players vs the Bears?
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Packers should be 3 - 2 in the Division. Bonkers being swept by both Lions and Vikings. yikes
    go.pack.go. (30-Dec) : All crazy stuff…and good point beast
    beast (30-Dec) : Packers should be 0-5 in the division, can't say I saw that coming, even 1-4
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Sam Darnold 35 TD's ... another one
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : Baker Mayfield, 39 TD's ... can't say I saw that one
    Zero2Cool (30-Dec) : No matter who is playing as 7th, I think we want them to win. Get rid of 2nd seed haha
    go.pack.go. (30-Dec) : That would be dhazer who was rooting for Minnesota
    beast (30-Dec) : Well, Commanders are currently the 6th seed and Packers the 7th
    beast (30-Dec) : Who was it in Chat, that wanted the Vikings to win (because Lions fans upset them) because Packers could not lose the 6th seed?
    beast (30-Dec) : If Falcons win, Packers stay as the 6th seed and Falcons lead the NFCS, if they lose, Commanders 6th and Bucs take NFCS lead
    beast (30-Dec) : Win or Loss, the NFCS is going down to week 18
    Mucky Tundra (30-Dec) : if the Falcons win, how does that affect the overall NFC playoff picture? Does it mean that the NFC South comes down to week 18?
    beast (30-Dec) : If Commanders win, the Packers drop to the 7th seed
    beast (29-Dec) : Taylor still at it!
    beast (29-Dec) : Colts get the ball and fumble turn over
    packerfanoutwest (29-Dec) : Jets pull Aaron Rodgers for Tyrod Taylor
    Mucky Tundra (29-Dec) : Colts-Giants now a tight one
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