So, you are saying our current welfare and educational institutions...both owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats....have done anything to lift people out of poverty? Really? Poverty and illigitimacy (the strongest indicator for the next generation of impoverishment) are worse since the expansion of the welfare state, and education has failed the poorest and most vulnerable for generations. Not defending the Reps here, but tell me how the Dems have done anything to improve peoples' position in this world?
"Wade" wrote:
You know what you'd have to do to get school for everyone? Raise taxes. Let the rich pay for the poor, if you want to look at it that way, and then subsidize school for students. Of course, you can attach all kinds of strings so that they'll actually finish it, but the fact remains that people who don't have kids will pay.
Now, I'd be all for it. How succesfull you'll be in your life shouldn't be decided by where you come from. Thing is, this stuff won't fly in an economy that's as down as this one is right now. We have some backwards, right wing political party leading the Netherlands now who actually wants to stop study financing all together and go with huge student loans.
Obama could push all he wants, but after that healthcare package, he just doesn't have the money to spend, the support from the republican senate or the ability to take another huge PR hit to put in an entirely new school system.
I reckon you'd be killing him for reckless spending if he did, anyway. Just like you're on his back now for not doing enough about it.
"Rockmolder" wrote:
Sigh. Europeans.
School for all is such a nice sounding thing, isn't it. You do know, right, that mass education of the USA sort was designed to keep the masses in check, nice conforming little automatons who would be happy dividing their life into 50 minute bits and punching time clocks like well-behaved, efficient servants. People who can be manipulated with great ease by politicos and advertisers.
You are absolutely right that education is costly. If people were really interested in providing true education for all, the kind helps people take advantage of the real opportunities of the 21st century, it would probably cost 10 times that $15000 per student that digsthepack cites. (Actually, the real cost of education per student in the USA is far higher that 15k -- you have to add the budgets of all those schools PLUS the budgets of all those state depts of education PLUS the budgets of the fed DofE.) If you could figure out how to do it at all.
But to trust with the task the people who know nothing more than treating children like machines and making them into nice conforming little citizens content with consuming and persuadable by jingles and soundbites? People who use every opportunity to get their own kids out of the system and into private, expensive alternatives? That strikes me as ludicrous and insane.
IMO, the best approach to "public education" would be to:
1. Make "compulsory education" unconstitutional.
2. De-fund all "Departments of education".
3. Eliminate all property tax subsidies of educational institutions.
4. Eliminate all subsidies to higher education, including federal "financial aid."
5. And watch the flowering of educational alternatives that would erupt everywhere with the freed up funds.
"digsthepack" wrote: