I'm glad I could make you laugh. I could use a laugh right now too . . . I'm incredibly depressed and disillusioned lately.
I found out recently that almost 9 years in the military have all been for naught. Total waste of a third of my life, and I have nothing to show for it.
I've been called many things in life. I've never been accused of being inept before. But that's what my unit called me. They demoted me (administratively, not punitively, as if that's somehow supposed to make it sting less) for "inefficiency," the military term for "he's untrainable and worthless," and barred me from re-enlisting.
I had a squeaky-clean record before I came to this unit. If I had just gotten out in 2010 like I was supposed to, my record would be spotless. Extending for another year was the stupidest thing I ever did in the army.
It's pretty humiliating.