Do I agree with Favre sending pictures of his dick to a two-bit sideline reporter who wasn't his wife? No. Do I think Favre is an idiot for his role in this cock-up? Absolutely.
However, it is blatantly obvious from the overall context of this story that there was some degree of reciprocation going on here. Anyone who thinks Favre didn't feel there was some reason for sending those pictures -- in other words, that she'd been hitting on him and he believed they would probably be welcome -- is borderline delusional. No sane man -- certainly no man with an ego as big as Favre's -- sends pictures of his genitals to a woman without provocation; the risk of rejection and humiliation is just too great. Furthermore, anyone who thinks it's beyond the realm of possibility that she texted him pictures of her own assets
is delusional.
Had she taken the slightest offense to these pictures whatsoever, she would not have waited two years to come forward. She would have reported the offense immediately. Hell, either she or one of her close friends has admitted publicly that they laughed about the situation when it happened.
Just because Favre's fortunes have turned and he's now more vulnerable, so she finally sees the potential to make some quick cash, doesn't mean she was a victim two years ago. It's obvious that she's simply been biding her time. Normally one quickly deletes pictures that one finds disgusting. The only logical explanation for holding onto pictures one allegedly finds offensive is that one hopes they'll become useful later. If she was truly a victim here and wasn't just holding out for a payday, she'd turn the pictures over to the authorities. Instead, she's doing everything possible to obstruct the investigation and contenting herself with uttering dire threats.
Why does the public almost always give the woman the benefit of the doubt? Even more puzzling, why do MEN give the woman the benefit of the doubt? They must either harbor some seriously deep-set guilt complexes or they genuinely believe that women are somehow purer and more truthful than men, and that men are somehow baser than women.
As I said, deluded.
I've seen too many of these sordid affairs turn out to be fabrications (usually far too late to repair the man's sullied reputation) to
ever again give the woman the benefit of the doubt. If they're going to make these kinds of serious allegations, they better have some damn strong evidence to back them up. And this chick doesn't have it.
Whoever has advised Favre not to give in to the demands of this conniving strumpet and her ambulance-chasing lawyer is smart.