I don't understand why Manning is "Mr. Regular Season." Has he performed that poorly in the playoffs or what?
"peteralan71" wrote:
People always criticise Favre for his playoff performances, but he's got a better playoff record than Manning and Favre was considerably better in both SBs than Manning's SBs.
Brady shatters them both. He turns into a Joe Montana-lite in the Playoffs. Although, nobody is as good as Joe.
Back to the original topic, take Vick away from his team and you got a crappy team. He's gone above and beyond what anyone expected, especially me. I've always hated him as a player (personality aside) as I thought my Grandma could throw more accurately than Vick. This year, Vick's been extremely accurate. I'm still thinking he's really an alien and the real Michael Vick is aboard some spaceship somewhere. Can't be the same guy.
We'll have to win out, and especially trounce the Pats for Aaron to be even considered. Brady's been spectacular, and everyone knows his cast of characters are cast offs from other teams. That's why I don't buy P Manning's excuse. Brady has done more with less and doesn't do the stupid crap Manning does.
Aaron's numbers are actually behind his numbers from last year. Yes, I know they're still good but compare what he's done with what Brady and has and Vick has done and he's behind both, unfortunately.
Before the year, I predicted Aaron would get the MVP.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. š¹š¹ š²š² š¦š·