Oh ya, it's a Packers subject.
Mathematically, we would want the Vikings to win.
...But then you have to factor in the impact on the Vikings organization with yet another loss. I bet it wouldn't be good.
Kind of a "Ding dong, the witch is dead, yada, yada yada" thing. A lot to be said for having the Bears effectively kill them off, plus the added entertainment value in witnessing more of the meltdown.
Contrasted with rejuvenating (significantly?) the Vikings heading into our game against them in their house if they win.
The big problem with a Bears win is we would then be in 2nd place in the division, and the psychological boost to the Bears cannot be ignored, either.
Thing is, Bears have a pretty tough schedule leading up to our next game with them.
Plus you have the additional variable in that they still suck, record be damned-
...But then again, how neat would it be for us to be instrumental in getting Chilly fired?
This decision could give Packer fans a headache.
Who should we want to win? I gotta go Bears, for right now, anyway.