Personally I think dhazer wants to see the Packers execute to perfection or he will rip on them. Like a coach, he wants to see them do it right every single time. No excuses. While I understand this, I also realize that they will make mistakes it is apart of the game as does the other team and the officials. I just don't think dhazer accepts that.
"Zero2Cool" wrote:
I'd like perfection. I just don't think it's cool to point out every mistake call AGAINST the Packers and when mistake calls are pointed out FOR the Packers to bitch about it and say we're making excuses. Why is a bad call for the opposing team okay, but for us it's excuses?
Packers are like many teams in the NFL, they have flaws, they have injuries, they get calls, they don't some calls, its how things go. It's why you shouldn't get too bent out of shape one way or the other in my opinion. What goes around, comes around.
Packers are a good team that has that dreaded word, potential. we're coming up to the half way point in the season. I'm really interested in how we handle games 9-12 and I think that'll tell us a lot bout our team going forward.
"wpr" wrote: