Please let me know if you need help finding this research material. I am sure your buddies will need help as well with finding ing this information. Once you have the ability to find this in-depth information, you can apologize at that time.
"packer98" wrote:
You know what Packer98, I
will take you up on your offer for help in directing me to a website that lists the rookies that have been injured since 2006.
Please, just direct me to that website and I will take time out of my schedule to compile a list of injuries the Packers have had and compare them to other teams to see which team has had more rookies suffer injuries.
As a matter of fact, if you would like me to make a specific comparison between the Packers and another team, let me know and I will do it.
Again, I await your link to a website...
"all_about_da_packers" wrote: