I'm letting you now all know for now on if you don't like what I post just ignore me and do not post anything about my posts it just makes it worse and ruins the forums.I did take this far and get mad about it but now im fine and will just ignore you if you comment about my posts.
On another note about ruining the forums take this into consideration..
People are trying to talk about football and packer ball,now if you see some post and if you do not like the post don't comment about it and ignore it.It will make the forums better and will not cause problems.
Thanks and srry for making this a fuss.
"Finley88Beast" wrote:
At first, I thought I read something about how the forums are 'run' and realized it was 'ruin'. Gasket, covered.
So, you say you want less drama and then say others should ignore your comments if they can't handle it, but then you don't practice the ignoring tactic you preach upon?
Look, it bugs the shit out of me when people type in short hand or spell incorrectly or run on sentences. And when I say bugs, I mean, it makes me think LESS of the content posted and derails my perception. I think 'wow if they can't even spell should I take their words seriously?' With that said, everyone, EVERYONE makes mistakes. Where it gets me is when someone calls someone else out, then has many errors themselves or even one glaring one.
Since I know Rourke can handle it, I'll use him. He often calls out "journalists" for their lack of quality, yet he refuses to spend the time to write up articles himself for others to critique.
Some will say, then you shouldn't say a QB is bad unless you're going to do it better for all of us to see. That's vastly different as that's a lot harder to prove. Writing an article vs playing in a NFL game ... which is feasible to prove?
Rourke is known for gripping about a lot of things and often times is correct. However, he made one, very, very big mistake with saying Ryan Grant was undergoing an amputation. That right there should silence him, but it hasn't. For all the griping he's done, to make a blunder of that magnitude, should shut anyone up on critiquing others on spelling, grammar, etc.
I jump Rourke more than others because I respect him and his thoughts and I believe he knows I do not mean it in a personal manner. I also believe you should practice what you preach. If you're going to call someone out for something, you better not make mistakes yourself. Or at least be prepared to have it thrown in your face.
I do not care if someone corrects a members grammar or spelling, or what not. It's in the manner of which it is carried out that gets my attention.
My beef with correcting others is when its done like this "haha you idiot you cant even spell simple words in the English language haha u moron" That bothers me.
I think the more [strike]proper[/strike] gooder ( i like gooder ) way is to simply bring it to their attention and move along. If you're only response to the thread is about the error, that there is bad and does not sit well with me.
Hey, I think you meant "dumb" not "dum" but anyhow, this is how I feel about the topic and this is why I feel this way and that's just how I've always thought about this topic.If you make a mistake, its noted, I think you should use the
button and correct it. Or do not respond to the correction and focus on the topic instead.
For some people, they need to correct others in order to feel important or to have given value to the site.
The things dfosterf said are true as well.
I urge everyone to read
this post several times and understand it's intent.
We all (myself included) need to have thicker skin, better understanding and collectively an appreciation that we all make mistakes and my lord, its okay to admit them.
I know for myself, I often forget how greatly I am misunderstood and with knowing that, I often times go back over my posts to see how much of an asshole I was and if I can "fix" the damage I've done. Sometimes its too late, sometimes its not. Point is, you have to make the effort, and in your case, its just ignoring those folks who correct you, or take more time spelling correctly. š