LOL.. Bitching just to bitch eh.. not..
Woodson has earned some practice time collateral via his play upon the field.. Justin has none. Thinking NFL players don't need a kick in the ass or a reminder every now and then.. think back to the first season Charles was here and not participating.. he got called out on it.
It is hardly picking on Harrell or bitching just to bitch.. it is a player that has admitted he owes the Packers due to his lack of performance... showing up to camp and per a number of different spectators is lacking effort. It is not a Woodson, a Favre, a player that has proven himself as an NFL player.. no it is a damn near washout acting like he gives two shits less if some would kill for the shot. Piss on that attitude.. it has not freaking place in training camp.. and I would be willing to wager most players feel the same damn way. Real players with freaking heart for the game.
If you are happy with that and deem it acceptable.. great.. I on the other hand am not.
CheeseheadTV's Nagler..
But hey... they all can't be seeing the same damn thing.. lol. It is the conspiracy of 2010 to pick on Justin. ;)
I have said it a number of times... I personally expected a fired up Harrell that was ready to roll.. not one that by reports (yes not first hand information) isn't putting it forth for a player that needs it..
That speaks of a player of the caliber not wanted on a championship team.. nothing more.. nothing less. Picking on the fat kid my ass. ;)
"pack93z" wrote:
If we're going to pick on Justin for not spitting fire during practice, we should not be selective, let's jump everyone's case. Justin is targeted because of his history, that's obvious. Eyes are on him, but go to a practice, he's not the only who isn't tickled pink to be in training camp. I mean, you remember camp, right? Fun? Right. No.
Younger guys enjoy it and typically are more excitable during training camp. Guys who've been through it two or three times or more have less intensity.
Again, I'll say this again. It's training camp. If he plays daisy duke sissy during practice but gives us five solid plays a game, I'm fine with that.
What happens when a player is killing it in training camp? We say it doesn't matter, its training camp, who cares.
Yet, when a player is supposedly dogging it in training camp, we slam the hell out of him?
Hypocritical much?
Game time, that's what I'm wanting to see. If Harrell is sluffing it even during pre-season games, then we have a cause for griping. Until then, we're just being hypocrites and petty. I said WE, so don't no one get sand in their vagina.