If I was coach.. first order of business is to come on here and clean this place of the hacks... like Pack93z.. they piss me off. :lol:
Second, I would start my trip down to James Campen's office to have a little chat about run blocking, blitz pickups, consistency and lack of freaking growth of the hog mollies up front.. that are killing my QB. An effective running attack would help the play action pass become effective in the offense.. not to mention blocking on freaking screen play correctly.
Third, I would then venture to Philbin's office, call in McAdoo and figure out where our tight ends have gone in the passing game and what to do about getting a little more out of them in run blocking.. no o'lay blocks.
Fourth.. Tommy Clement, I and Aaron would start to look at progressions on offense.. maybe changing the read scenario's to have a quick dump off as the second read.. not further down the progress. Additionally show film of Aikman, Trent Green and Steve Young.. the effects of getting hit at the QB position.. stressing the importance of speeding up the decision making process in the pocket..
After that.. I probably would walk into Ted's office and ask for a couple of options at the DT and offensive line depth.. especially a little more experience along the oline.
To finish the day.. I think I would stroll down the street.. enter Brett's steakhouse and have a couple of drinks to cap the day. Reassuring myself that in time, Aaron will gain the experience and playing time to quicken the clock in his head during each play.. something that comes with time playing the position. Just as the owner once learned.. so will the pupil.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"