Here's the video of my competition July 3rd at "Franklin Idol".
I didn't even make it to the 2nd round. I didn't think i was THAT bad. A guy that sang "New York, New York" made the and the cut. The reason? He was OLD.
He had to be in his late 80's. So he got picked.
That's my problem i guess.......too old to beat the 20 year old beauties (and there were some real pretty young women) but too young to get the "Aww! Isn't that special? The old guy thinks he can sing!" sympathy vote! LOLOL!!!
Oh it can decide for yourselves if i sucked or not! LOL!
If someone knows how to embed it, be my guest! I'm lucky i was able to even figure out how to get it on YouTube! (Took me over an hour to figure it out!)LOL!