Hey guys,
I have joined a team with a friend of mine (TEAM ANIMAL) to help support the Special Olympics in Illinois. We will be gathering a team of 20 participants (hopefully, only at 6 now) to tug-o-war a 198,000 pound UPS Airbus A300!
This event is huge every year and is my first time participating.
I am jacked for so many reasons about this event. This is literally my first time ever, in 25 years of my life that I am giving back or helping others (sad, I know). However, I am helping now and couldn't be happier.
Of course, this is where I ask for donations...but I'm not bold enough to just straight up ask for people's money. Our team needs to raise $1000, in which if we have 20 participants come the time of the event, I will have met my individual goal already of $50. Honest to God, your words would do me good because at the same time I am overly nervous about it as well.
Thanks for your support...as usual..you guys are awesome.
Help Yerk Pull The Plane