Another mother-in-law story..
Got a card from the MIL today.. Well, wasn't to me, but to my wife. Anyway, I laughed when I read it. It was a Mother's Day card. To my wife. Who is not a mother. It was basically a card to my wife telling her how much she missed her (we get these cards from her all the time.. and we see her more than we see my parents), and how much she wishes we lived closer to her and to my wife's sister (whom my wife never really had a close relationship with). There was a newspaper clipping of a Mother's Day story in the card as well. This woman so damn narcissistic, it's crazy. She initially comes off as one who just cares for everyone.. but the longer you get to know her, the more narcissistic you see her become. I almost used the word masochist.. but that just doesn't fit her right. I dunno.. maybe.
Once or twice a year getting these cards is just fine with me. We understand she's a lonely woman (who pushes everyone she's ever loved away with her vain 'love'), and misses her children. She lives in the yesteryear.. with the mindset that her two daughters are 12 years old or something. I remember when she found out I proposed to Shanna, she didn't believe it when my wife told her. Took her months to realize that we weren't joking. Literally. MONTHS. It pissed off my wife soo much that the MIL had NOTHING to do with the wedding except to be there. Flash forward to this past Christmas.. my wife's sister announced to us and my MIL for the first time that she was pregnant after trying for the past two years. The look on the MIL's face? The very same she gave Shanna when she found out we were engaged. I actually ENJOYED the awkward silence from her. Because it had nothing to do with us! I was relieved, actually. Because for the longest time I just thought she hated me, hence why she completely rejected the thought of us getting/being married. Now I realize it's a major malfunction in her brain.
I know, it looks like a minirant.. and I guess it is. But I'm actually not mad or upset or anything.. Just thought it was effing hilarious that Shanna got a Mother's Day card from her mother, telling her that she wishes we lived closer so she could see us more often. Because she's a needy, selfish woman who will never be pleased.
But hey, she's family and I love her. In a very trivial way. She's far more entertaining than anything else now days. I just wish we didn't have to spend entire weekends with her when we visit.. lol
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!