You want to talk about a messed up day, I will tell you about mine today.
I headed up to work today and it was raining, which isn't that bad but it was only 32 degrees. Well I finally made my 40 minute drive up the mountain to work only to get up there and have it start snowing. I was dressed for the cold but this sucked because I was planning on doing my inventory. My warehouse is actually some storage containers with my parts in it, well I went into my office and got ready for our morning meeting and this is where it gets really messed up. I got told i could use a few of the guys to help with my inventory, and I was like hell ya.
Well the meeting starting and then I found out why I could use the guys, we were on a windfarm lock down. Everyone looked around when finally the boss explained to us that last night at another windfarm about 10 miles away had an incident. They went on to explain that a tech was up on top of a 300 ft wind mill and was shot at. He was missed by 1 foot and the police tracked down that the sniper was 678 yards away. They went on to tell us the police found out there is a militia group that is against the wind mill industry and then told us they found the groups website and it was specific about destroying our companies turbines in specific.
So now we are on high alert and even have been advised to carry a gun if we have a permit, we are going to start having armed guards watching the gates.
And to top it all off I went to start my inventory and we had 3 inches of wet snow which later turned to sleet and had winds of 20 mph.
I will let you guys know more when we find out.
So as the song says "So you had a bad day" think of what we get to go through now everyday and wondering if we are going to have snipers trying to pick us off when we are up in the towers or even driving down the road.
Peace out and everyone thats against guns I will say this " FUCK YOU" I am carrying mine because of a non law abiding citizen wants to start shit.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)