14 years ago
Coming out against Tauscher signing (and Santa, Easter Bunny too) 

by Greg A. Bedard

Green Bay - Let me get this out of the way right at the top:

It's a very good thing for the Packers to have Mark Tauscher around for the next two seasons (Packers just confirmed it's a two year deal).

You couldn't find a better teammate or representative for the organization. He should finish his career playing for one team, and the Packers at that. A good football player, Tauscher's an even better person. And as a media member, I want 53 Tauschers on the team I'm covering. They don't come any more standup than him.

Having said that, the Packers' re-signing of Tauscher to be a starter -- if that is indeed the case (we'll make final judgement when the real numbers come out) -- doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Nor was it needed.

That's not a popular thing to say (and later on I'll take on Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, too, just for kicks), but it's the truth.

Re-signing Tauscher was a luxury -- a great one to have, to be sure -- but it was not a necessity like Chad Clifton was.

If Tauscher was brought back as a backup, then it would be absolutely understandable and something to be jumped at. I'm all for having a few well-placed veteran backups. The Packers could use more of them. Tauscher might top the list.

But to be the undisputed starter at right tackle? No, it doesn't make sense.

Here are some of the reasons:

1. It's a myth Tauscher spurred Packers' offensive turnaround

Aaron Rodgers and coach Mike McCarthy are among the many people that have pointed to Tauscher's insertion into the lineup as the reason why the Packers' suddenly turned it around on offense, especially in regards to protecting Rodgers.

In the words of McCarthy, I'd say that's a "convenient" way of looking at things.

Sure, you look at the numbers -- 10 sacks allowed in Tauscher's seven games, 41 in the other nine -- and it's easy to say Tauscher was a big factor.

He was a factor. But there were several factors:

* Allen Barbre was terrible ( has him as worst RT in football). If Tauscher's replacement had been even mediocre, his impact wouldn't have seemed as dramatic. This can't be understated;
* The line stabilized. Daryn Colledge had finally started to settle back down at left guard after his misadventures at left tackle. Clifton, after injuries, was in the third of nine consecutive starts to finish the season when Tauscher took over against San Francisco in Week 11.
* Rodgers stopped holding onto the ball, and the offense got back to the quick passing game. It took a loss at Tampa Bay and being called out by his teammates, but Rodgers finally adjusted his game and started getting rid of the ball quicker. More three-step drops got the offense back into a rhythm.
* Packers' backs were against the wall. Being 4-4 after the loss to the Bucs, the Packers had no choice but to get their acts together or they were headed for an off-season of turmoil if things went downhill.
* Running game picked up after the Ahman Green signing lit a fire under Ryan Grant. Rarely had Grant been so explosive and broken more tackles at the second level.

So there were many things that happened around the same time, and they all contributed to the Packers' offensive resurgence. It's impossible to say that Tauscher was the reason.

2. Should be able to replace performance level

I don't fully endorse their numbers, but I think the ratings over at are OK to use a blunt instrument and when they seem to be in line with what happened on the field.

According to PFF, Tauscher was medicore overall. He was OK as a pass blocker (rated fourth out of five starters) and poor as a run blocker. It's not like Tauscher was coming off a Pro Bowl season.

Of course, Tauscher was coming off ACL surgery -- that has to be factored in -- and should be better the second time around.

3. The big one: It's past time to move on


Here's where the Packers currently stand with their offensive line depth chart:

Tauscher and Clifton will be starting their 11th year together this season. And the Tauscher signing says one thing for sure: the Packers are no closer to finding their replacements now than they were three years ago.

That's unacceptable.

OK, evidently Barbre won't be able to hack it. But why the heck has Breno Giacomini taken up a roster spot the past two years (active three times in 32 games) and kept around while players were jettisoned at other positions (Jamon Meredith, Anthony Smith) if he's not at least ready to compete for a starting position this year?

Why can't Lang compete for the starting job heading into his second year?

Again, if the Packers plan was to let Giacomini and Lang battle it out for the starting spot and then have Tauscher around as the backup plan, then that would be brilliant. But it seems highly unlikely Tauscher would return unless it was as a starter.

(That the Packers don't feel they have players ready to compete at right tackle -- let alone left tackle -- at this point is a fairly strong indictment of Ted Thompson's ability to draft tackles. At least he gets points for owning up to it.)

It's also now very crowded on the Packers' offensive line. They kept nine offensive linemen last year, although they could keep another since they likely won't be keeping three fullbacks again.

You have the five starters: Clifton, Spitz (a projection), Wells, Sitton and Tauscher. Lang definitely stays, and Colledge isn't likely going anywhere (if Tauscher was the plan, Packers could have enticed more teams to go after Colledge by tendering him at the third-round level). Dietrich-Smith will likely stay because you can't be sure about Spitz's back and the Packers seem to be moving towards having a backup in each spot so they don't have to move three to help one like last season. And you have to think either Barbre or Giacomini stays, if not both.

So at the least, that's eight, possibly nine spots.

And Thompson almost always drafts two offensive linemen. It's a given they will take a player that can develop into a left tackle in the first three rounds. What if he's taken in the first round and is the best right tackle right away?

I could see Spitz or Colledge being dealt at some point. Spitz has the most trade value if he proves to be healthy. And either Barbre or Giacomini is gone.

If that happens, Lang would be the left guard backup, Giacomini would backup Tauscher, and the rookie would get to solely develop at left tackle.

If those things happen, the Tauscher signing makes more sense. Perhaps they will.

But as it stands right now, the Tauscher signing was a luxury, not a necessity. That the Packers took advantage of the uncapped year and opened up the checkbook to make sure they're OK along the offensive line should be applauded (and you can bet McCarthy is thrilled). Going young hasn't worked out well.

However, at some point in time, as Thompson said at the Senior Bowl, it's time to see what your other guys can do.

"As you evolve in the NFL eventually you're going to have to go out there and sink or swim, and we're going to ask a lot of our guys, and (Giacomini's) going to be one of them," Thompson said.

With Tauscher back in the fold as a starter, the Packers will be delaying that another year.

Was that necessary? It shouldn't have been.

+1 to Bedard on this one. We have a discusion in another thread where this would fit in great. We should've just gone with Lang at RT. We wouldn't have the musical chairs if Lang will be in the race for the LG spot and he could use the experience. Having Lang on one side while Clifton is still playing would be a great way to use this as a transition year, as well.
14 years ago
I fail to understand why it is not a good thing to resign Tauscher... especially Tauscher.

If anything, this could be made for Clifton.. but not on Mark I believe.

But as I have stated in two thread.. this move gives the Packers the maximum flexibility in a deep draft to allow the board to come to them.. they have no I have to have starter past a punter.. they can upgrade for such at spots.. but they don't have to blow their draft board to do so.

The worst case scenario is the Lang/Rookie/Breno/Barbre beats out either Tauscher or Clifton and we have a very high priced backup... but a guy that can help guide a first time starter through the ropes of an NFL year.

Is it a luxury signing.. probably.. but in a weak free agent crop and a team that should compete for a Superbowl berth.. I think the move is a stroke of brilliance and common sense.

As far as the musical chairs.. that is March talk of a bunch of fan.. not a NFL position coach filling out his roster before he knows what the choices are. I am not claiming that the coaches aren't guilty of it.. but all this talk about a shuffle is off season chatter.

One capable rookie draft pick... and all the conjecture such as this is nothing more than a wad of paper spit against the wall.

Competition and depth is a good thing.. I know that some of this veteran depth may feel foreign to some over the last couple years.. but it is never a bad thing if the team can financially put it together.

Welcome to the finalization of the championship football teams roster.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
14 years ago
BTW.. sometimes Bedard out thinks himself on trying to make a argumentative piece.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
14 years ago
So in one sentence it is a bad idea signing Tauscher, and in another it is terrible that we haven't found his replacement.... Come on dude. Can't have it both ways.

10 months removed from ACL and starting at RT in the NFL. Not bad. Given a full off season, and camp, Tauscher will be fine. He never was a physical specimen. He has gotten by on fundamentals. He is sound and gets into position.

Spitz had back surgery. There is no guarantee that he is coming back as he was last year when he beat Wells our. I would feel better with Tauscher at RT and Lang taking LG over Colledge.

Amazing. All we heard last year was how bad Ted was for not having better depth. And now people complain about keeping that same depth.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
14 years ago
ok so it is a bad thing to automatically pencil in Tauscher as the starter but it's "brilliant" to automatically pencil him in as the back up? Tauscher is the starter until somebody unseats him.

He did play well last year especially considering his circumstances and had he not even gotten hurt in 2008 this guy probably wouldn't even blink an eye at this signing.

Giving up 10 sacks in 7 games isn't bad regardless of how the other 9 went. If you have a decent line like that you keep that intact. You don't just "move on" so the 2nd year guy can have his shot you "move on" if the 2nd hear guy TAKES the spot on his own.
14 years ago
Ya.. Well....

At about 49,000 dollars a year I think the Journal Sentinele is over paying Greg Bedard for his production as well.

Perhaps they need to draft a young journalist major out of the U of W.
""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."
14 years ago

Ya.. Well....

At about 49,000 dollars a year I think the Journal Sentinele is over paying Greg Bedard for his production as well.

Perhaps they need to draft a young journalist major out of the U of W.

"RaiderPride" wrote:

Just sign some street FA with a computer to minimum wage
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
14 years ago
The entire premise of the article is that Tauscher is getting paid to be a starter, even though no one knows the details of his deal yet.

Bedard makes some good points, but he looks like a total ass while making them. Even if Tausch is being paid like a starter, the coaching staff isn't going to start him if they think they have a better option.

If Lang/Giacomini can't beat out the Old Man, the they shouldn't be starting anyways.
14 years ago

Ya.. Well....

At about 49,000 dollars a year I think the Journal Sentinele is over paying Greg Bedard for his production as well.

Perhaps they need to draft a young journalist major out of the U of W.

"PackFanWithTwins" wrote:

Just sign some street FA with a computer to minimum wage

"RaiderPride" wrote:

No chance of that happening.... Just like Ted Thompson (S.S.) CEO Steven Smith is not willing to look at Free Agents.

I best not state anything else, a company that is trading at 3.98 share on the NYSE is a legal corporate juggernaut.
""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."
14 years ago

I fail to understand why it is not a good thing to resign Tauscher... especially Tauscher.

If anything, this could be made for Clifton.. but not on Mark I believe.

But as I have stated in two thread.. this move gives the Packers the maximum flexibility in a deep draft to allow the board to come to them.. they have no I have to have starter past a punter.. they can upgrade for such at spots.. but they don't have to blow their draft board to do so.

The worst case scenario is the Lang/Rookie/Breno/Barbre beats out either Tauscher or Clifton and we have a very high priced backup... but a guy that can help guide a first time starter through the ropes of an NFL year.

Is it a luxury signing.. probably.. but in a weak free agent crop and a team that should compete for a Superbowl berth.. I think the move is a stroke of brilliance and common sense.

As far as the musical chairs.. that is March talk of a bunch of fan.. not a NFL position coach filling out his roster before he knows what the choices are. I am not claiming that the coaches aren't guilty of it.. but all this talk about a shuffle is off season chatter.

One capable rookie draft pick... and all the conjecture such as this is nothing more than a wad of paper spit against the wall.

Competition and depth is a good thing.. I know that some of this veteran depth may feel foreign to some over the last couple years.. but it is never a bad thing if the team can financially put it together.

Welcome to the finalization of the championship football teams roster.

"pack93z" wrote:

I wrote about this in the logjam thread, but this is complaining for the sake of it.

The way the team is built right now it looks like Green Bay will target two offensive lineman with their second, third or fourth-round picks. It looks like they could possibly go pass rush or secondary with their first now.

Having options via the draft is hardly a bad thing. They still need to complete the transition to the 3-4 and find guys to develop as future starters on the o-line. I think they have two guys entrenched as future starters in Josh Sitton and T.J. Lang, but expecting the Packers to fulfill a need with draft picks this year and not cover their backs is just ridiculous. Not sure how to sum it up.

They're actually doing exactly the opposite of what they did last year and that's giving themselves options. As you say, that's good and not bad.
Fan Shout
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dfosterf (21-Jun) : Supposedly looked good up to this point in OTA's etc. "Monster Leg" mentioned.
dfosterf (21-Jun) : Packers picked up Lions reject kicker James Turner, the guy they cut to make room for Jake Bates
Mucky Tundra (20-Jun) : And Javon Bullard missing a tackle. Win some lose some apparently
Zero2Cool (20-Jun) : Madden 25 trailer opens with Justin Fields returning a kick off hahahaha
Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : Packers have released kicker Jack Podlesny.
Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : I saw that today. I actually thought he passed away few years ago. 24 time All Star.
Martha Careful (19-Jun) : sad news tonight. Willie Mays passes away. He was the greatest of all time
Martha Careful (16-Jun) : Amen Z2C, I hope all of you fathers have a terrific Fathers' Day. Be great fathers!!!
Zero2Cool (16-Jun) : Happy Father's Day to the dad's
Zero2Cool (14-Jun) : YOU BROKE IT
buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Welcome to "The Dead Zone" may the only Packer News we hear is positive!!
buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Trevor Lawrence-5yr 275mil-200mil guaranteed. J-10VE is next.
Mucky Tundra (13-Jun) : @AaronWilson_NFL #Packers have signed first-round pick Jordan Morgan to $14.185 million deal that includes $7.135 million signing bonus
jdlax (11-Jun) : Hahaha hellllllll no, Sunday is king! It's those Thursday night games that hurt
Mucky Tundra (11-Jun) : @AndyHermanNFL Looks like Tucker Kraft is out of the sling. Progress!
Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : That's also my oldests birthday
Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Thought it was I fucking hate SNF. I went what why it's consistently way better than any other game
Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Whoa. I read that so wrong before Jared lol
wpr (10-Jun) : that's great jdlax
jdlax (10-Jun) : God I hate the Shithawks
jdlax (10-Jun) : Sunday Night fucking Football
jdlax (10-Jun) : I just got my tickets to represent in Seattle December 15th woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Martha Careful (9-Jun) : I really enjoyed game 1 of the Stanley Cup final. Sergei Bobrovsky G - FL was incredibly good.
Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : *NFL
Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Pads or no pads, welcome to the N
Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Rashan Gary just steamrolled Jordan Morgan on a bull rush. Drove right over him to the ground.
Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : God and a lot of money brought Reggie to GB
Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : yep. became the highest paid defensive player in the league and 3rd highest behind Elway and Marino
Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Packers signed second-round pick Javon Bullard
Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Reggie White got something like 4 years $17m total right?
buckeyepackfan (3-Jun) : 110mil guaranteed!!!
Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Justin Jefferson. 4/$140m ??? wow
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @AndyHermanNFL Sean Rhyan getting some reps at center in walkthroughs. They are rotating guys everywhere.
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : or that might have been an individual drill thing
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : that was from the 29th but I've seen other combs (including Rhyan@C)
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @ByRyanWood Without Elgton Jenkins and Zach Tom, #Packers starting OL: Rasheed Walker, Jordan Morgan, Josh Myers, Sean Rhyan, Andre Dillard.
Martha Careful (31-May) : I have never seen an OTA, but who is lining up at LT and RG with starters? or is it all individual drills?
Zero2Cool (30-May) : Bears are the first team to be selected for Hard Knocks
dfosterf (29-May) : Andy Herman and his Pack a day podcast put up GB strengths yesterday. This morning he did weaknesses. They are both very good.
Zero2Cool (25-May) : Yes.
beast (24-May) : Does he say what it is?
Zero2Cool (22-May) : Christian Watson believes he has discovered the root cause his soft-tissue leg injuries
Zero2Cool (22-May) : Savage played last half of season with tear in rotator cuff
Zero2Cool (22-May) : SISSIES!!!!
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