13 years ago
Leave it up to our pro singer to start doing a little diddy about Jack and Diane :)

Sing It Cheesey maybe 4packgirl will throw her panties at you lol 😃
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
13 years ago

Leave it up to our pro singer to start doing a little diddy about Jack and Diane :)

Sing It Cheesey maybe 4packgirl will throw her panties at you lol :D

"dhazer" wrote:

Not possible, she doesn't wear any.
13 years ago
I am like you Shawn in that I am very competitive. I had a rough life but as someone stated, someone else is worse off than me. I actually have a tat on my forearm so I can see it every day. I got it after I got my divorce and it has brought me thru alot.

I had The Game put on my forearm and no it is not because of the wrestler, it is actually from a line in the movie young guns. He says it is time to finish the game and he runs out and is killed. I took that as life is a game and a game that noone will win because eventually everyone dies. But I turn that around with my competitive spirit because I refuse to lose.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
13 years ago

I don't mind the cold water.. as long as it is not freezing. ;)

The point of the post and thought is that reality is not all "rosy".. that life has its trials and struggles. At times in life it is hard to see the positives or good that each of us has in our lives.

Tell you a little story and since I have dropped a dime of personal thought and feeling into the thread.. I will go a little further.

There was this cocky kid.. thought he was invincible, thought he had it all figured out. He worked hard to get where he was, but he could see the doorway of his goals right in front of him and figured it was just a matter of time before he put his shoulder smashing through that doorway because he "had" this.. his body was filling out his dreams of a little kid, he was blessed with the size and strength to fulfill his desires.

Here and there.. he would get knocked down on the field.. but he would pull himself up, dust off the dirt and go charging into the fray again... punishing the soul that dared knocking him down. A primal being was he.

And bang on day that doorway disappeared and he was shoved through a different one.. one that he couldn't face for several years.. here at 18 years old he was trying his damnedest to bury himself.. he didn't want to face a future that he wasn't in control of the outcomes of his own body.

He sat looking at a future that he knew sooner or later was going to force him not to be that invincible one.. one that could always pull himself up, dust himself off and put a shoulder into it. That sooner or later his own body would turn against him.. would fail him. And he would be trapped to a life of settling for less.

He drank himself through college, partied hard enough that he didn't have to face reality. Was always the life of the party.. but really was hoping that sooner or later he would meet his demise and save himself the inevitable at some point later in life. Living on Vodka and lime, because he could hide the smell as he went class to class.. day to day.

Selling cars in the evenings and weekends to feed his habit.. and his new vice gambling. Oh yeah.. gambling he found was a new way to regain a bit of that control and competition.. but that is yet another story for a later chapter in life.

As hard as he tried to avoid it, the "fool" made it out of college alive.

So it was someplace between the final year in college and early work years that he decided.. piss on this nonsense with a shove from a dying uncle.. one that was like a second father for much of his life.

A new resolve was found, one where he waged a war against his fate. Challenging father time with his familiar tenacity and fire.. one where he would push his body to the limits time and time again.. and figure out that he still could put that shoulder into life and give it a freaking shove.. at least for now.

As the years crept by.. he could see the writing on the wall.. but choose to ignore those signs that he was probably pushing it too hard.. his body would try and tell him but he figured if he could still pull himself up.. dust himself off.. continue on.

Slowly.. his body began to break.. first, fittingly a shoulder finally tore loose.. so a began getting a cortisone shot put it in every couple months.. until the doctors refused to inject it some more.. so then he would bounce doctor to doctor that would keep injecting it.

Then it finally happened.. he tore up his primary driving force; his link to mobility as he knew it.. but the guy was stubborn as hell. Figured a shot in the shoulder seemed to work.. have a doctor place one in his ankle and foot.. and it seemingly worked. He was back in business... or so he thought... the pain was gone and he could continue to roll.

And he did for some time.. but what he didn't know or should I say ignored was the damage that he was doing under the cover of a "magic" shot.

One day.. his body slapped him out of his ignorance by refusing to go on. Surgery was inevitable.. and as much as he despised the thought... he was going to have to "trust" a doctor again with his fate. Doc did well, surgery successful and onto rehab.

Rehabbing from that surgery was trying but that was under his control, and although there is still permanent damage done as far as loss of feeling in a couple toes and occasional swelling.. I can control and deal with that and I have worked that joint back into health.

See this is that point in life that I so desperately feared and didn't want to face. It wasn't the leg that they repaired that was going to "fail" me, as I wasn't going to let that happen.. it was the toll of the past injuries and the "down" time on the other side that was.

I can't regrow the body part, magically fix the shattered hip of years past, or "unfuse" the vertebrae in my back. And being off my feet for several months took a unimagined (for me anyway) toll on my body.

And no matter how hard I fight and push it.. I am struggling to pull myself up, dust myself off and shoulder it.

And it tortures my very being.. the fabric of who and what I have always been. One that was all in all the time.. one that refuses to accept personal defeat of any form. One that could be conquered and held down.. one that could raise the white flag and settle for less from myself.

Internally.. segmented away from others in my life there has been a war brewing inside me.. rage and hellfire burning within. It leaks out here and there, but for the most part contained within me.. not seeing the light of day because if I let it out.. I don't know that I will be able to control "it" type of brew.

It has been like this for months personally.. kind of stuck.. afraid to push forward and let the rage out.. but also afraid of sitting still and watching possibly the last window of self mobility pass me by without a fight.

I have a family that depends upon my income from several different jobs to attack this head on like I have always done.. all in sort of mentality.

It is how I do things.. it has been how I have always done things. I have always been successful at doing them that way.. putting a brute shoulder into it and forcing my will upon it.

I verse the world mentality and drive. And I find it very difficult asking for help or putting a hand out looking for a pull. It is how I am wired.

That being said, I continue marching through day in and out.. not addressing the issue personally.. just accepting things how they are, getting up each morning going to work, coming home, picking up the kids so my wife can go off to work. Living day to day.. accepting life as it is.

And personally being pent up inside, knowing that someday I am going to regret not taking a hold of today.

So.. along comes this conversation after darts Thursday night.. a pick up from a conversation this summer after we buried his uncle. His world crashing around him.. family health issues, people I call my extended family.. personal struggles he finds himself him.. basically he is struggling to find the "good" in his life.

Through a cell phone battery and another 30 minutes on the house phone.. we got through a couple of issues and he shifted his focus onto today and the fundamental items right in front of him that he can take to help ease some of the day to day smaller frustrations.. so that he can begin to focus on the larger items.. even though he can do little about some of the health concerns of his sister and her final time on this rock.

But he can make today and tomorrow count in his time with her and her time here. So he can start to accept reality as it is, embrace what he has today in front of him and make sure that he has little regrets about what he didn't take advantage while he could.

See, to me that is the beauty of life. Yes it hands you bullshit frozen upon a stick and sometimes you are forced to deal with it.. but even then you have to find the positives in it and embrace them.

Either that or your going to look back one day and have regrets over what you should have seen, embraced and treasured.

So now that I have loaded to much upon this post.. I will get to the point of my original post.

Through a phone call and talking with a lifelong buddy, really listening and nothing more than bounce back his words at him.. I really reopened my eyes again to the things I learned in the past.. but allowed to be personally clouded over inside me again.

I know I have to change some things in my day to day life, the tough part is accepting that change and allowing a push here and there from others and my approach to dealing with my own health problems. And how to attack them.. accepting that it can't be an all in situation. Probably the hardest thing for me to accept in the process.

But mostly.. it is letting go of that "rage" inside and enjoying my family fully again. Living for their today's and making their today's and tomorrows as good as they can be. Because those regrets are probably the hardest of all.

There.. that all being said and relearned personally I thought I would share.. and if it helps a single soul it was worth the effort.

Like Digs mentioned.. this isn't anything new and it is something we probably all know (except for those that haven't dealt with the trials of life yet), sometimes it helps hearing it from someone else.

Anyway.. sorry for the book and the babble.. but if it helps another then good. If it was a waste of your time.. I apologize.

"Pack93z" wrote:

+1, Shawn. First nominee for "post of the year" for 2011.

Sometimes someone says something and you just say, wow, was that said well.

Thank you.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
13 years ago
When i was in my 40's, i kind of felt that way. Like i could overcome anything.
Bilateral Meniere's disease knocked me down, but i fought back.
I have lost so many loved ones, i can hardly keep track. My Dad, Mom, Brother, well over a dozen aunts and uncles, at least a dozen cousins, all my grandparents except my step grandma, both my mother and father in law, some close friends......all before i reached age 50.
I have no close friends that i can look in the eye and talk to.
I saw the doctor last week.......the pain in my chest (from mu open heart surgery) is just something i have to learn to live with. My diabetes is fair, he wants it better controlled. The arthritus in my spine is getting unbearable. Can't sleep most of the time. Because of my heart disease, i'm supposed to walk every day. But both of my knees, and now my right hip causes me so much pain, i can hardly walk. Once i get going, it's not as bad, but then when i stop it tightens up so bad i can hardly get out of the chair.
My migraines are coming more often, and with a vengance. I'm getting so tired. Tired of hitting against a brick wall.

I keep asking God, why am i still here, if there is no rerason? And if there IS a reason, PLEASE show me what it is.
Yes....i KNOW there are many that have it worse then i do. But somehow, that just doesn't bring me much comfort right now. Plus the bills......the monthly ones, and the medications i have to take. My doctor is retiring at the end of this month. The only decent doc i have had in 20 years. My wife's insurance changed.....again.....and now i won't be able to afford the meds i need.
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I gave it my best shot to try out for America's Got Talent. But i doubt i will get "the call" that would put me in the next TV round. That was kind of my last hope to be able to do something positive. To be able for once to be "somebody" instead of just a physically broken down "wanabee".

Oh.....Hazer......you at least brought a smile to my face with your comment.
And Zero........i know what you mean.
Some people judge without ever walking in your shoes. Yes, they may have problems of their own, which you would THINK would make them a little more compassionate. But i guess that doesn't always make people feel empathy for others.
Maybe they have all the strength they need, and feel better then you because THEY don't seem to need ANYONE to help them.
Even though deep inside, they know better, but just won't admit it.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
13 years ago

When i was in my 40's, i kind of felt that way. Like i could overcome anything.
Bilateral Meniere's disease knocked me down, but i fought back.
I have lost so many loved ones, i can hardly keep track. My Dad, Mom, Brother, well over a dozen aunts and uncles, at least a dozen cousins, all my grandparents except my step grandma, both my mother and father in law, some close friends......all before i reached age 50.
I have no close friends that i can look in the eye and talk to.
I saw the doctor last week.......the pain in my chest (from mu open heart surgery) is just something i have to learn to live with. My diabetes is fair, he wants it better controlled. The arthritus in my spine is getting unbearable. Can't sleep most of the time. Because of my heart disease, i'm supposed to walk every day. But both of my knees, and now my right hip causes me so much pain, i can hardly walk. Once i get going, it's not as bad, but then when i stop it tightens up so bad i can hardly get out of the chair.
My migraines are coming more often, and with a vengance. I'm getting so tired. Tired of hitting against a brick wall.

I keep asking God, why am i still here, if there is no rerason? And if there IS a reason, PLEASE show me what it is.
Yes....i KNOW there are many that have it worse then i do. But somehow, that just doesn't bring me much comfort right now. Plus the bills......the monthly ones, and the medications i have to take. My doctor is retiring at the end of this month. The only decent doc i have had in 20 years. My wife's insurance changed.....again.....and now i won't be able to afford the meds i need.
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I gave it my best shot to try out for America's Got Talent. But i doubt i will get "the call" that would put me in the next TV round. That was kind of my last hope to be able to do something positive. To be able for once to be "somebody" instead of just a physically broken down "wanabee".

Oh.....Hazer......you at least brought a smile to my face with your comment.
And Zero........i know what you mean.
Some people judge without ever walking in your shoes. Yes, they may have problems of their own, which you would THINK would make them a little more compassionate. But i guess that doesn't always make people feel empathy for others.
Maybe they have all the strength they need, and feel better then you because THEY don't seem to need ANYONE to help them.
Even though deep inside, they know better, but just won't admit it.

"Cheesey" wrote:

I have no solutions for you, Alan. I have to admit, it bothers me when God feels that people need to have the strength of Job.

What I keep trying to tell myself is (i) that He never gives us more than we can handle and (ii) that He's trying to remind us that the one thing we must do -- and the only thing we must do -- is trust Him.

As for (i), I tell myself...perhaps He's giving me more shit than other people because He knows I can handle more shit. That He's putting me through all this because there's this thing -- maybe it's a big thing and maybe it's just a little thing, but whatever it is, it's both important to Him and hard to whoever does it -- He needs me to do. Maybe He's putting me through the wringer because He wants to use me as an example to others. Or maybe He feels I'm still too captive of my own pride or gluttony or whatever of the many sins I'm captive of that He wants me free of.

But I have to admit it's very frustrating not knowing what exactly He wants and what He wants it for. I have an appointment with my counselor later today, and she wants me to make a list of "when would I be content". (In our first meeting, last week, she had asked "what do I want from this counseling?" and as part of my answer I said "To be more content.") So here I am working on that list for her and right at the top is "Having certainty that I was following Gods call. Being able to keep myself focused upon following it."

I've prayed, and I've asked, and I've pleaded, and I still don't know for sure what He wants of me. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do, to come up with a plan for change or for just today, and I'm pushing and pulling myself a dozen ways. It sure as heck would be nice to know where He wants me to go.

And that brings me to #2: Trusting Him.

And I tell myself, part of "trusting" Him means accepting that He has reasons for everything, including keeping us buffeted by all this shit. Including keeping us hanging on what He wants us to do.

I keep telling myself, I need to put more of me into His hands, to do with as He wills. To trust that He is putting me through all this out of His love and nothing more. To trust His judgment that, for some inexplicable reason, my steel needs more tempering in hot coals and cold water. To trust that, eventually, like the master blacksmith He is, He's going to eventually look at the sword called Wade He's been tempering and say, this is a good sword, ready for what I have planned for him.

Sometimes this works. And, of course, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I push back against His will. And so He puts me back on the anvil and pounds on me some more.

And each time He does, He's saying, "trust me, dammit, you stubborn hunk of Wade-iron."

In the end, Alan, that's all I can say. You have to trust Him.

Politicians, friends, doctors, you, me -- we all let people down. We all fall short. We're all, ultimately, untrustworthy, unable to deal with all our problems on our own. Either as individuals or even together. None of us have the strength alone.

In the end, only He is worthy of trust. Only he has the required brawn for this kind of blacksmithing.

Trust Him. And when life gives you another shit sandwich tomorrow or next week, as it always does, trust Him again.

The rest of us aren't worthy.

But He is.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
13 years ago
Wade.......I KNOW what you say is true. All you said is 100% true. Maybe what i go through is for other's sake. Plus i know not all is from God, but allowed by God. HE must think i'm alot stronger then i think i am, cause i feel pretty much at the end of my rope. My wife has been having horrible nightmares......demons attacking me and me dieing.
Right now my head is pounding so bad........these headaches are horrible to live with. I have to go outside and shovel now, so that the drive is clear when my wife comes home from work.
I keep on persevering, for the hope that there is still something good coming for me in this life. I don't know if there is though.
I thought i'd be better off as i got older. A home of my own, the ability to help others instead of me having to depend on others. But that's not how it has played out.
I feel kind of like i'm at the 2 minute warning, behind by 2 scores, and on my own one yard line.
And the temptation to just "take a knee" and give up.
But as of right now, i haven't given up. I guess that's what counts.
I guess i'm kind of the clown who laughs through his own tears.
There HAS to be a reason i'm here, even if i don't understand what it is.
I know that.
13 years ago
Cheesey, Wade, and to all of you out there who at any moment in time have the idea to give up. DON"T GIVE UP! We are all here for a reason and we have to make the best of the circumstances that surround us. Only God or whomever you believe in has that control button to say your time is up.

I, and everyone else, could go on and on about this, but the simple truth is, live life to its' fullest. Live everyday as if it's your last............you won't know that day...........and strive to make the people in your lives happy. I am going to strive to make those around me laugh and be happy up to the moment I leave this world...................and then I am going to come back and haunt those who don't laugh at my last practical joke.

Everyone of us in this living world has a purpose and sometimes it takes a long time, even a lifetime, to figure out what that is. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not so good. That's the way life is. I strive to make every day good for me and everyone that I come in contact with. That is why I became a teacher. Over 42 years of teaching I sincerely believe that if I made a difference in a few kids lives each year.

I think I accomplished that goal.

Now that I am retired (sort of), I can look back and honestly say, " I made a difference in some kids life." I truly hope that each and everyone of you can think back and say, " I helped someone change their life, or I did the best I could and maybe, just maybe, it made a difference for them."

i an
Anyone for a Weenie Roast?
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
13 years ago

Wade.......I KNOW what you say is true. All you said is 100% true. Maybe what i go through is for other's sake. Plus i know not all is from God, but allowed by God. HE must think i'm alot stronger then i think i am, cause i feel pretty much at the end of my rope. My wife has been having horrible nightmares......demons attacking me and me dieing.
Right now my head is pounding so bad........these headaches are horrible to live with. I have to go outside and shovel now, so that the drive is clear when my wife comes home from work.
I keep on persevering, for the hope that there is still something good coming for me in this life. I don't know if there is though.
I thought i'd be better off as i got older. A home of my own, the ability to help others instead of me having to depend on others. But that's not how it has played out.
I feel kind of like i'm at the 2 minute warning, behind by 2 scores, and on my own one yard line.
And the temptation to just "take a knee" and give up.
But as of right now, i haven't given up. I guess that's what counts.
I guess i'm kind of the clown who laughs through his own tears.
There HAS to be a reason i'm here, even if i don't understand what it is.
I know that.

"Cheesey" wrote:


For what it is worth, here is something that helps me deal with the dark side of life and the demons of despair. It doesnt solve my problems -- the ratio of good stuff to crap in my life is still far too high -- but it does give me enough to get to the next day, the next week, the next month. It gives me enough hope to go on.

What I do is I find something that I like to do, something that I want to do. And then I guarantee myself an hour a day for doing it. It might be the same thing every day, a routine cool thing to do that I do when I first get up (for me this was reading the Bible), or it might be something different that I resolve to do when as Im struggling to pull myself out of bed that particular morning (for example, today, I promised myself that I would spend one hour on this book project of mine that I've been shunting to the backburner for several months).

What *it* is isnt that important as long as (i) it is something that *you* get pleasure/happiness/personal warm-and-fuzzy feelings from, and (ii) you make spending that hour on it priority #1 for your day.

I dont know what it might be for you. But pick something that you like. Perhaps its something that you never have time to do anymore. Or something that you used to do all the time. Or something that you always wanted to try.

And prioritize it. Say to yourself, The rest of my day will probably be complete crap. Maybe I wont be able to get any closer to fulfillment of my dreams today or this week. And maybe the crap pile of bills and all the rest may not get taken care of today either. But dammit, there is going to be one hour of time where Im going to do something or enjoy something for me.

Do it first. Or, when some of the crap absolutely has to be dealt with first thing in the morning (because the snow has to be dealt with or you have a doctors appointment at 7:30 a.m., write this thing down and put it a place you will see it several times a day, and remind you about that days most important must do today task.

In fact, you might want to post it up even when you can do it first thing in the day. Then it will serve as a periodic reminder that, yes, today, one good thing happened to you today. That, yes, one thing you did get done *for you*.

And then, at the end of that day, youll be able to say to the despair demons, Yes, today was another bad day. Yes, God still hasnt made it clear what he wants of me. But I did get one more hour of good stuff today.

And the next morning, when youre lying in bed not wanting to get out of bed because its so damn depressing, you can say, Well, I got an hour of good yesterday. All I need today is one more hour of good. I did it yesterday. I can do it again today.

This won't solve your frustrations. It isnt going to convert your life to one of happiness and joy. But it will make the getting from day to day just a little bit easier. I know it has for me.

Now, I know in one sense, I know Im a lot luckier than you. I dont have the constant problem of physical pain that you have because of the heart surgery. And so I can only imagine what complications that must add to your daily life.

My only suggestion with regard to the pain part is, the next time your doctor says you must just live with it, put him on the spot with a very pointed question, and ask, And, sir, just what do you suggest I do to live with it? Do you have some particular suggestions for how to cope with and ignore constant pain, or are you just being a macho asshole telling me to deal with something you dont have to deal with?

Frankly, it bugs the crap out of me that a professional supposedly concerned with his patients health would be saying just live with it. If said doctor cant figure out a way to help his patients deal with pain, then he should be working toward putting you in contact with people who might. Not trying to do a Pontius Pilate.

Giving yourself an hour a day -- no, not giving yourself, guaranteeing yourself -- an hour a day wont get rid of the pain. But I believe, I truly do, that it may make the pain more bearable as you look for other ways to deal with it and, contrary to your asshole doctors opinion, reduce it.

Guarantee yourself an hour a day and Im betting that you might end up getting more than an hour a day. Perhaps a lot more.

But if nothing else, it'll help keep the demons at bay until tomorrow.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
13 years ago
i agree with wade on the whole pain issue. dan was told that by more than one doctor but we weren't taking that crap as an answer. he's only 40 years old! so we kept pushing & pushing, finally finding a doctor who not only could help him but a doctor who was amazed that others wouldn't. if nothing else, he should try sending you to a pain management clinic - something - anything!
sometimes it's hard to keep fighting - especially when you're in a 'depressed' state but you can do this, alan. fight to get rid of the pain!
Fan Shout
beast (17-May) : Not sure why a players views reflect on GB... instead of simply on the player
Martha Careful (17-May) : I bet some of us have had 6+ mRNA jabs, a UKR flag on our walls, and still think Fauci has a thread of integrity
Zero2Cool (16-May) : From what I've read, it's all Jets , not us.
CanPackFan (16-May) : Will there ever be a time when Rodgers' whacko views will not reflect on GB? He is the past, thank god.
Zero2Cool (16-May) : Jan 4th gonna be rough with that start time lol
Zero2Cool (16-May) : Packers schedule listed. Boom.
buckeyepackfan (15-May) : Let the leaks begin. Colts @ Packers week 2, Vikings @ Packers week 4
Zero2Cool (14-May) : WR Marquez Valdes-Scantling to Bills
Zero2Cool (14-May) : Jets and Aaron Rodgers open up on Monday Night Football,
Zero2Cool (13-May) : $170 guaranteed. This might impact Jordan Love
Zero2Cool (13-May) : Lions are signing QB Jared Goff to a four-year, $212 million extension
Zero2Cool (13-May) : I know we moved on. That tidbit just makes me a touch happier.
Zero2Cool (13-May) : Sources spoke of many, many times last summer where Hackett called a play, then Rodgers changed it completely at the line
Martha Careful (10-May) : 1. this is true of all our linemen. 2. His run block is fine. 3. If all OL played like he has, we would win SB.
beast (10-May) : Meyers pass blocking is really good, his run blocking is really not.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : Packers have claimed DE Spencer Waege off of waivers from the 49ers and waived DT Rodney Mathews.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : And the OL protections seem to be good.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : I really don't know lol. I don't see him getting blown up.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : -3 buwahhhahaaha
Mucky Tundra (9-May) : 4th
Zero2Cool (9-May) : because he's 1st
Mucky Tundra (9-May) : Myers isn't even the 3rd best C on the roster atm
Martha Careful (9-May) : I am not sure I understand the Myers hate. He was consistently our third best lineman. RG and LT were worse.
beast (9-May) : Just saying I don't think moving Myers would help Myers.
beast (9-May) : Center is usually considered the easiest position physically if you can handle the snap stuff.
Mucky Tundra (8-May) : Bust it is then
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Context. Sounds like Myers won't be cross-trained. C or bust.
Mucky Tundra (8-May) : @BookOfEli_NFL Packers pass game coordinator, Jason Vrable said that Jayden Reed and Dontayvion Wicks shared a placed in Florida while train
Mucky Tundra (8-May) : For now...
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Packers go about evaluating their "best five," OL coach Luke Butkus makes on thing clear: "Josh Myers is our center."
beast (8-May) : Though I'm a bit surprised letting go of CBs, I thought we needed more not less
beast (8-May) : It was confusing with two DB Anthony Johnson anyways
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Packers actually had Ray Lewis on the phone.
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Packers wanted to draft Ray Lewis. Ravens stole him.
Martha Careful (6-May) : Happy 93rd Birthday to the Greatest Baseball Player of All-Time...Willie Mays
Zero2Cool (6-May) : Walter Stanely's son
buckeyepackfan (6-May) : and released CB Anthony Johnson and DL Deandre Johnson and waived/injured WR Thyrick Pitts (thigh-rick).
buckeyepackfan (6-May) : The Green Bay Packers have signed WR Julian Hicks, OL Lecitus Smith (luh-SEET-us) and WR Dimitri Stanley
Zero2Cool (6-May) : Petty, but it's annoying me how the NFL is making the schedule release an event.
Mucky Tundra (4-May) : @mattschneidman Matt LaFleur on how he tore his pec: “Got in a fight with the bench press. I lost.”
Zero2Cool (3-May) : Jordan Love CAN sign an extension as of today. Might tak weeks/months though
TheKanataThrilla (3-May) : Packers decline 5th year option for Stokes
Mucky Tundra (3-May) : @ProFootballTalk Jaylen Warren: Steelers' special teams coach has discussed Justin Fields returning kicks.
Zero2Cool (2-May) : Season officially ending tonight for Bucks ... sad face
Zero2Cool (2-May) : Giannis Antetokounmpo is listed as out for tonight's game.
dfosterf (2-May) : Surprisingly low initially is my guess cap wise, but gonna pay the piper after that
dfosterf (2-May) : The number on Love is going to be brutal.
Zero2Cool (2-May) : May 3rd. Extension day for Jordan Love. (soonest)
Zero2Cool (1-May) : USFL MVP QB Alex McGough moved to WR. So that's why no WR drafted!
earthquake (1-May) : Packers draft starters at safety ever few years. Collins, Clinton-Dix, Savage
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2024 Packers Schedule
Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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