13 years ago
I just wanted to add the guy completely forgot about Nick Collins in our secondary. He made a lot of valid points but he's a two time pro-bowl safety who has 13 ints in the last two seasons. Burnett looks like he has the potential to help us out too, but we'll wait and see. He can't be any worse than the play we got from SS in the two Vikes games last year.
Born and bred a cheesehead
13 years ago

I like the part about Woodsons body finally realizing how old it is...

"Rockmolder" wrote:

Yeah where is he getting that from? He just won the DPOY last year, and hasn't shown anything this offseason that would make any person that has any sense whatsoever think he has lost a step....

I remember alot of people on this board were laughing at the Vikes wrs.

I actually think Camarillo was a good pickup for them, he is a Welker type wr.

Oh and for scoring they do have a decent rb to hand the ball off to also.

"longtimefan" wrote:

Hop off Favre's dick.

"go.pack.go." wrote:

And you say this why? I didn't say anything about Favre. I understand you can't don't like giving credit to any other teams, or is it you want to hop on Favres dick?

"dhazer" wrote:

I guarantee that if Favre was not on the Vikings' team, you would not try to defend the Vikings like this.

"go.pack.go." wrote:

wow you pegged him pretty good

"Stevetarded" wrote:

But really, what he says isn't that weird.

Camarillo was a steal. Some of the surest hands in the league.

Harvin had these migraines last year, as well. It's bad, but it held him out of just one game the entire season.

Really, that receiving group is only missing Rice, which is bad, but not horrible. And their depth is a lot better than a year ago.

AP will keep on running.

That O-line is looking horrible, though. McKinnie making the Pro Bowl was one of the most ridiculous picks in quite a while. Even Vikings fans agree. Herrera isn't that good, as evidenced by DeGeare making a run for his spot, already. Loadholt is huge and a mauling RT, but he better not face any speed on the outside (Ugh, Matthews). Sullivan is no Birk, regardless of what these Vikes fans try to tell me and Steven Hutchinson, while still a great guard, isn't getting any younger.

dhazer wrote:

Be careful Rock you will be called a Favre lover, Lets see I was putting the Pats and Saint wrs up there and the Cards so I guess i must be a lover of there qbs as well. get a life damn and be a fan that can give credit and look with open eyes at other teams.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
13 years ago
I really wouldn't count on playing the Vikes without Rice. Looking at the schedule we get the Vikes in week 7 so that is pretty close to his projected time back.

Just a thought
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
13 years ago
Besides 2005, Favre has been pretty good at adjusting to what he's got.

I doubt J Walker makes the team, but Rockmolder is right that Camarillo was a steal. The guy is a solid possession receiver with good hands.

I'm imagining Favre throwing more to his slot receiver a la Tom Brady. Rice is a big play guy that Favre will have to do without for the first 6-8 games.

If anything, it will probably be shorter, quicker passes. Favre's attempts may be the same.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷
13 years ago

As others have noted, the sense is that he's downplaying expectations - giving himself an excuse to fail. I think that's iffy, but no matter what his motivation is, I think that not it'll not only fail to get opposing Ds to back off, it'll more likely give them all a target to aim for. I have no doubt that NO provided the blueprint last season that other teams will follow - sell out to get the old man, and then hit him hard when you have the chance. And with that line the way it's looking now, he'd better hope he can still scoot on that ankle, because he's going to need to do so.

"RedSoxExcel" wrote:

I really don't understand this whole "Saints figured out how to beat Brett" theory. If that strategy is to blitz him and hit him late and hard, I think thats something that probably beats most QBs. If it was that easy to blitz him and that easy to get late hits in, why didn't people just do that all year. Why wouldn't you do that to every QB in the league - hit him hard?

Brett's age is a big negative in most categories but its a plus in experience. Whatever you think of the guy, he's seen everything in terms of defenses and reads it. I remember last year after the 2nd GB game, Woodson they blitzed a lot and he read it each time or got rid of the ball.

I think people overstate how well the Saints defense played that game. I looked it up, the Vikings had 31 first downs to the Saints 15. 475 total yards of offense. 310 yards passing and TOP advantage of 10 minutes. They fumbled the ball FIVE times. And all of that was on the road.

I still think the best way to beat Favre (and its one of few ways) is to get the lead and make him play from behind. He'll make stupid decisions to try to get the team back into it and then you take the INTs.

I really don't understand this whole Saints thing because why isn't every time in the NFL trying to do that to every QB. Whether your 40 or your 25, its going to hurt and I don't think they are going to let that stuff that went down the Saints go in the regular season. If someone can explain this theory to me, I'd be thankful. May be I am missing something?

EVEN with all of those late hits and everything, they were still a 12th man in the huddle penalty from possibily WINNING the game. Favre led the Vikings to the 35 yard line on that last drive AFTER this "blueprint to beat Favre".

"ILikeThePackers39" wrote:

First, I didn't say the Saints' D played well - they didn't, in the conventional sense. What they did do, which I think is a little different than the boilerplate scheme you note, is utterly sell out to get to Favre. They essentially were willing to risk that he'd burn them or that they'd be penalized with the goal of getting to him and knocking him out.

And it worked. They won. Play all the if/but/for games you'd like, but at the end of the season the Saints were holding the trophy.

I can't say if other teams will be willing to take that risk - for one thing, you pretty much have to have a hell of an offense given what you're risking on the other side of play. The bottom line, though, is that the Vikings o-line isn't what it used to be and Favre isn't getting any younger. I don't know how many hits he can take and still be his usual effective self.

All that said, I've already stated in this very thread that Minnesota is still a very real obstacle to the Packers' aspirations this season - I'm not at all taking them or Favre lightly.
13 years ago

I like the part about Woodsons body finally realizing how old it is...

"dhazer" wrote:

Yeah where is he getting that from? He just won the DPOY last year, and hasn't shown anything this offseason that would make any person that has any sense whatsoever think he has lost a step....

I remember alot of people on this board were laughing at the Vikes wrs.

I actually think Camarillo was a good pickup for them, he is a Welker type wr.

Oh and for scoring they do have a decent rb to hand the ball off to also.

"Rockmolder" wrote:

Hop off Favre's dick.

"longtimefan" wrote:

And you say this why? I didn't say anything about Favre. I understand you can't don't like giving credit to any other teams, or is it you want to hop on Favres dick?

"go.pack.go." wrote:

I guarantee that if Favre was not on the Vikings' team, you would not try to defend the Vikings like this.

"dhazer" wrote:

wow you pegged him pretty good

"go.pack.go." wrote:

But really, what he says isn't that weird.

Camarillo was a steal. Some of the surest hands in the league.

Harvin had these migraines last year, as well. It's bad, but it held him out of just one game the entire season.

Really, that receiving group is only missing Rice, which is bad, but not horrible. And their depth is a lot better than a year ago.

AP will keep on running.

That O-line is looking horrible, though. McKinnie making the Pro Bowl was one of the most ridiculous picks in quite a while. Even Vikings fans agree. Herrera isn't that good, as evidenced by DeGeare making a run for his spot, already. Loadholt is huge and a mauling RT, but he better not face any speed on the outside (Ugh, Matthews). Sullivan is no Birk, regardless of what these Vikes fans try to tell me and Steven Hutchinson, while still a great guard, isn't getting any younger.

"Stevetarded" wrote:

Be careful Rock you will be called a Favre lover, Lets see I was putting the Pats and Saint wrs up there and the Cards so I guess i must be a lover of there qbs as well. get a life damn and be a fan that can give credit and look with open eyes at other teams.

dhazer wrote:

So you're saying that you're not a Favre lover? I would bet everything I have that if Favre was NOT a Viking, you would never have been defending them like this.

And this isn't the only time that you have appeared to be ON Favre's dick. I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way here.
Greg C.
13 years ago

As others have noted, the sense is that he's downplaying expectations - giving himself an excuse to fail. I think that's iffy, but no matter what his motivation is, I think that not it'll not only fail to get opposing Ds to back off, it'll more likely give them all a target to aim for. I have no doubt that NO provided the blueprint last season that other teams will follow - sell out to get the old man, and then hit him hard when you have the chance. And with that line the way it's looking now, he'd better hope he can still scoot on that ankle, because he's going to need to do so.

"RedSoxExcel" wrote:

I really don't understand this whole "Saints figured out how to beat Brett" theory. If that strategy is to blitz him and hit him late and hard, I think thats something that probably beats most QBs. If it was that easy to blitz him and that easy to get late hits in, why didn't people just do that all year. Why wouldn't you do that to every QB in the league - hit him hard?

Brett's age is a big negative in most categories but its a plus in experience. Whatever you think of the guy, he's seen everything in terms of defenses and reads it. I remember last year after the 2nd GB game, Woodson they blitzed a lot and he read it each time or got rid of the ball.

I think people overstate how well the Saints defense played that game. I looked it up, the Vikings had 31 first downs to the Saints 15. 475 total yards of offense. 310 yards passing and TOP advantage of 10 minutes. They fumbled the ball FIVE times. And all of that was on the road.

I still think the best way to beat Favre (and its one of few ways) is to get the lead and make him play from behind. He'll make stupid decisions to try to get the team back into it and then you take the INTs.

I really don't understand this whole Saints thing because why isn't every time in the NFL trying to do that to every QB. Whether your 40 or your 25, its going to hurt and I don't think they are going to let that stuff that went down the Saints go in the regular season. If someone can explain this theory to me, I'd be thankful. May be I am missing something?

EVEN with all of those late hits and everything, they were still a 12th man in the huddle penalty from possibily WINNING the game. Favre led the Vikings to the 35 yard line on that last drive AFTER this "blueprint to beat Favre".

"ILikeThePackers39" wrote:

Good post. Favre is quite possibly the best QB in history against the blitz. When the Packers did blitz against him last year, he made them pay. I still think the Packers need to stop worrying about Adrian Peterson so much. Let him have his yards. Focus on Favre. Mix up your coverages and your pass rush.

The Viking fan who made this post made some good points, but a lot of it was purely hot air. For example, there was plenty of positive talk about the Packers in the media well before the third preseason game. Also, as mi_keys pointed out, when this guy discussed the secondary, he didn't even mention Nick Collins. He went from Woodson to Al Harris's injury to...Will Blackmon?

One thing I agree with him about, though, is that the Vikings have bragging rights until somebody knocks them off. They are two-time defending champs of the NFC North.
13 years ago

I like the part about Woodsons body finally realizing how old it is...

"Stevetarded" wrote:

+1 my friend!!!
That was the first thing that caught my eye!
They have a QB that's a grandfather, soon to be 41.
That's 7 years older then "old man Woodson".
That just proved that the guy was grabbing for straws.
Yes, it's true that the preseason doesn't mean a whole lot. But my view is that this year the Packer O is really trying to gain steam for the "real" games.
I'm SURE they remember (and are reminded by the coaches) about last preseason.
I don't mind that the O is coming together well. After all, isn't that what these games are for? To see how players are doing, how prepared they are?
13 years ago

I like the part about Woodsons body finally realizing how old it is...

"Cheesey" wrote:

+1 my friend!!!
That was the first thing that caught my eye!
They have a QB that's a grandfather, soon to be 41.
That's 7 years older then "old man Woodson".

"Stevetarded" wrote:

I tweeted the author of the article that same question, no reply yet
13 years ago

WARNING: We are are WAY too overconfident about the Vikings demise.

Someone can jump on me about being a Favre lover or whatever but I do not understand why people think the Vikings are not going to score a ton.

At the end of the day, they still have Adrian F'n Peterson. You can make fun of his fumbles or whatever, at the end of the day, he's still one of the top THREE b's in the whole league. Plus you combine that with one of the top 5-7 QB's in the league, you have a pretty potent offense.

What is the difference between the beginning of last season and this season? Did everyone expect Sidney Rice to blow up like that? No, so what makes you think this year someone like Harvin or Berrian or Shanicoe or Camarillo or whatever might not do the same.

As much as everyone hates Favre, he makes receivers play well (e.g., Rice and Shanicoe last year). Irregardless of Favre, they have AP! He's hard to stop if he's on.

They won the division two years ago with basically no WRs and no QB!

Quick, someone go nuts because I see the division objectively!

"RedSoxExcel" wrote:

I actually liked Sideny Rice quite a bit. Not shocked he did what he did at all. He would've been a first-round pick had he not left South Carolina as a sophomore redshirt. So make no mistake, they loss something with him.

None the less, I agree with you. I still like them. I'll probably pick them to win the division. In fact, going through my head, I think I have them at 10-12 wins. I think there the most complete team in the league. But their coach in suspect. Their offensive line is suspect and the backend of their secondary is suspect. So they have issues much like the Packers.

I'm not worried about fans being overconfident. Fans are fans. They're like that. I'm worried about the Packers being overconfident. Last year, I felt the same thing. Said they'd lose to either Cincinnati or St. Louis before playing Minnesota. This year, I'm kind of seeing it too.
Fan Shout
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @AndyHermanNFL Sean Rhyan getting some reps at center in walkthroughs. They are rotating guys everywhere.
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : or that might have been an individual drill thing
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : that was from the 29th but I've seen other combs (including Rhyan@C)
Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @ByRyanWood Without Elgton Jenkins and Zach Tom, #Packers starting OL: Rasheed Walker, Jordan Morgan, Josh Myers, Sean Rhyan, Andre Dillard.
Martha Careful (31-May) : I have never seen an OTA, but who is lining up at LT and RG with starters? or is it all individual drills?
Zero2Cool (30-May) : Bears are the first team to be selected for Hard Knocks
dfosterf (29-May) : Andy Herman and his Pack a day podcast put up GB strengths yesterday. This morning he did weaknesses. They are both very good.
Zero2Cool (25-May) : Yes.
beast (24-May) : Does he say what it is?
Zero2Cool (22-May) : Christian Watson believes he has discovered the root cause his soft-tissue leg injuries
Zero2Cool (22-May) : Savage played last half of season with tear in rotator cuff
Zero2Cool (22-May) : SISSIES!!!!
Mucky Tundra (22-May) : Sounds like both Kraft and Tom were injuried before OTAs began
buckeyepackfan (22-May) : Not serious but waiting for strength and conditioning coach referwnces.
buckeyepackfan (22-May) : Tom and Kraft both injured(pectoral muscle),
Zero2Cool (20-May) : I feel similar about person and product/service.
beast (17-May) : Not sure why a players views reflect on GB... instead of simply on the player
Martha Careful (17-May) : I bet some of us have had 6+ mRNA jabs, a UKR flag on our walls, and still think Fauci has a thread of integrity
Zero2Cool (16-May) : From what I've read, it's all Jets , not us.
CanPackFan (16-May) : Will there ever be a time when Rodgers' whacko views will not reflect on GB? He is the past, thank god.
Zero2Cool (16-May) : Jan 4th gonna be rough with that start time lol
Zero2Cool (16-May) : Packers schedule listed. Boom.
buckeyepackfan (15-May) : Let the leaks begin. Colts @ Packers week 2, Vikings @ Packers week 4
Zero2Cool (14-May) : WR Marquez Valdes-Scantling to Bills
Zero2Cool (14-May) : Jets and Aaron Rodgers open up on Monday Night Football,
Zero2Cool (13-May) : $170 guaranteed. This might impact Jordan Love
Zero2Cool (13-May) : Lions are signing QB Jared Goff to a four-year, $212 million extension
Zero2Cool (13-May) : I know we moved on. That tidbit just makes me a touch happier.
Zero2Cool (13-May) : Sources spoke of many, many times last summer where Hackett called a play, then Rodgers changed it completely at the line
Martha Careful (10-May) : 1. this is true of all our linemen. 2. His run block is fine. 3. If all OL played like he has, we would win SB.
beast (10-May) : Meyers pass blocking is really good, his run blocking is really not.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : Packers have claimed DE Spencer Waege off of waivers from the 49ers and waived DT Rodney Mathews.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : And the OL protections seem to be good.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : I really don't know lol. I don't see him getting blown up.
Zero2Cool (9-May) : -3 buwahhhahaaha
Mucky Tundra (9-May) : 4th
Zero2Cool (9-May) : because he's 1st
Mucky Tundra (9-May) : Myers isn't even the 3rd best C on the roster atm
Martha Careful (9-May) : I am not sure I understand the Myers hate. He was consistently our third best lineman. RG and LT were worse.
beast (9-May) : Just saying I don't think moving Myers would help Myers.
beast (9-May) : Center is usually considered the easiest position physically if you can handle the snap stuff.
Mucky Tundra (8-May) : Bust it is then
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Context. Sounds like Myers won't be cross-trained. C or bust.
Mucky Tundra (8-May) : @BookOfEli_NFL Packers pass game coordinator, Jason Vrable said that Jayden Reed and Dontayvion Wicks shared a placed in Florida while train
Mucky Tundra (8-May) : For now...
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Packers go about evaluating their "best five," OL coach Luke Butkus makes on thing clear: "Josh Myers is our center."
beast (8-May) : Though I'm a bit surprised letting go of CBs, I thought we needed more not less
beast (8-May) : It was confusing with two DB Anthony Johnson anyways
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Packers actually had Ray Lewis on the phone.
Zero2Cool (8-May) : Packers wanted to draft Ray Lewis. Ravens stole him.
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Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
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Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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