Everyone is missing my point.
If you think Justin's injury history makes him too much of a risk, fine. And, I can see the argument that regular back problems makes him too much of a risk. But that was all true
before this latest injury.
My point is that this latest injury doesn't follow from or illustrate the same problem the others. I defy *anyone* to say that a torn ACL is more likely if the person has had a history of a bicep tear and back problems. And unless you can show that, you are just mistaking correlation (the fact that they happened to the same person) with causation.
The Packers have already decided he was worth the risk of future back/bicep problems. They decided that when they kept him on the 53-man roster. They said yes.
What they have to decide is how much extra risk coming back from an ACL tear involves. And THAT has nothing to do with the other.
Lots of people get cut when their ACL doesn't recover. And if that's the case with Justin, fine. But that decision by the Packers should *not* be determined by the back or bicep history.
It's just not relevant. Any more than whether he had an emergency appendectomy when he was a kid.
Should the Packers bring Harrell back to training camp, IronMan? My answer is: it depends. It depends only on what they see as the prognosis for return from the ACL. If they think that he has no more risk post-ACL than he had before he blew it out, and they were comfortable with that substantial pre-ACL risk (which evidence says they were)...then, yes.
That pre-ACL risk is no bigger and no smaller than it ever was.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)