He bought his exoneration? You assholes, he was acquitted
by a jury of his peers.
I've been in hot tubs with minors before. So has almost every man on this board at one time or another. Does that make them perverts? Dude never even took off his shorts, for fucksake.
I hope I never serve on the jury for some of you close-minded, puritanical bigots, because I would have a hard time maintaining my objectivity.
If you would convict a man for a crime he
objectively did not commit, then you are not a "freedom-loving American," no matter what conservative, flag-waving rhetoric you might spout. You are in fact by definition a law breaker, lawless, an outlaw. This is a nation governed by law, not personal moral preference. Conviction is not subject to the whim of moral indignation.
It is not liberals who cause me to fear for the future of this country, but rather conservative Christians -- and I'm a devout, right-leaning Christian myself! With freedom-destroying friends like the fundamentalists, who needs enemies?