lol so what happened to the whole I'm here to play football, not carry pads bit ...
"Formo" wrote:
Read the article, son. Damn.
He didn't realize it was a tradition that was started long before he was born. When a two-time Pro Bowler Rod Harrison told him that, he realized he was blowing things out up.
Looks like the media is reaching for shit to tear down Bryant. Surprise surprise.. :roll:
"Zero2Cool" wrote:
Or maybe the media just reported a story that was of interest to fans. This was the first time I'd heard of a rookie refusing to do something like that, so it was interesting to me, and a lot of other fans as well. Was it a big deal? No. But it was noteworthy. And the fact that Bryant has completely backpedaled from his original position shows that he realizes he screwed up. Good for him.
"Greg C." wrote:
I messed up. I meant to say how they tried anything they could to develop a 'schism' between the two receivers AND make Bryant look like a dick. Which, to be honest, he did look like a dick. But funny how when all the information gets out he doesn't look like one so much, eh?
"Formo" wrote: