Did you guys (and gals) see where President Obama wants to cut tax breaks to oil companies. That's supposed to HELP the country lower it's dependency on oil.
Maybe it's the skeptic in me, but does that really sound like it will help?
Let's see....what would that do? Cut tax breaks to oil companies........so more tax dollars can be collected by our government. Sounds like they once again, just want an excuse....i mean "reason" to pull in more money for them to abues....i mean, "use".
What would that do? Hmmmmm.......oil companies have to do what? Yup....raise their prices to US to pay these higher taxes that they have to pay. So WHO actually pays the "extra" taxes? Yup....WE DO.
It's just like the "gun control" people that run around saying "We need stricter gun control laws!" Which affects NO criminals, just the law abiding citizens. But politicians jump on it, like Obama is doing with the oil, to LOOK like they are doing something. When in fact, they are doing NOTHING to change the actual problems.
JMO of course