It was the best way it could be done at that time. I know it looks crazy.
However, one can Thank The Canadians for the fact there were less casualties at Normandie. You see... There was a little known practice run at an invasion of Europe across the English Channel.
This practice run was designed to see what they would need to learn and do better in the Normandie invasion. It was called "The Battle Of Dieppe." It cost the Canadians boys big time.. But it is what they learned in this slaughter practice run that saved not only Canadian Lives at Normandie, but American and British lives in what looks like "Cluster-Fuck" at Normandie..
Forgotten casualties from the battle of Normandie include the 3,367 Canadians who did the practice run.
For God And Country... The Canadians were a huge part of the defeat of Hitler.
""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."