I believe the federal immigration laws require immigrants to carry papers at all times as well...please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I am all for this law. The Federal government has completely ignored its primary duty to control our borders, thus, the states most affected by ilegal immigration...and the costs and crime that come with it....must act in their own best interests.
To my understanding, the law does nothing but allow the state to enforce federal immigration laws already on the books. And, lost in all the ranting, is the fact that they will not be pulling random people off the street and ask/demand for papers. Inquiring for papers will be done when people encounter law enforcement for other matters....traffic law violations, domestic disturbances, etc.
It is about fucking time someone got serious about the integrity of our borders...clearly, it has not and will not be the Feds.
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"