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14 years ago

German Magazine Reveals Drug Companies' Influence to Engineer Swine Flu Fake Pandemic 
Posted by Dr. Mercola | April 22 2010

[img_r][/img_r]When the swine flu first emerged, World Health Organization officials estimated that between 2 and 7.4 million could die. The panic that ensued mounted worldwide vaccination programs while government agencies prepared for disaster.

But as the world now knows, swine flu was actually relatively harmless and the deadly pandemic never emerged. As it turns out, those who suspected a greed- and money-driven conspiracy was at play may have been right all along.

As the German magazine Der Spiegel reports, the swine flu pandemic of 2009 may have been engineered by the drug companies:

In mid-May, about three weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, 30 senior representatives of pharmaceutical companies met with WHO Director-General Chan and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters.

The vaccine industry was mainly interested in one question: the decision to declare phase 6.

Phase 6 acted as a switch that would allow bells on the industry's cash registers to ring, risk-free, because many pandemic vaccine contracts had already been signed. Germany, for example, signed an agreement with the British firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in 2007 to buy its pandemic vaccine -- as soon as phase 6 was declared.

Many jumped on the pandemic bandwagon, but not everyone was fooled. As Spiegel Online reported, Polish health minister, physician Ewa Kopacz, saw through the scam and declined to buy swine flu vaccines for the country. She asked:

Is it my duty to sign agreements that are in the interest of Poles, or in the interest of the pharmaceutical companies?"

Digital Journal March 14, 2010
Spiegel Online March 12, 2010

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

I remember very well when last year on June 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6. Already by this time the swine flu virus was showing itself to have mild symptoms, quick recovery time, and low incidence of death among the vast majority of H1N1 patients throughout the world.

Yet all the drug companies needed to begin shipping out their profitable new H1N1 vaccine across the world was for the swine flu to be kicked up one notch, from a phase 5 to a phase 6 pandemic and that is exactly what they got.

How Did a Mild Flu Virus Get the Highest Warning Level Available?

Phase 6 is the highest warning level that indicates a pandemic capable of widespread human infection.

However, in reality, the word 'pandemic' only means that a new virus is spreading across the world. It says nothing about its level of physical danger, but that was not always the case.

WHO actually changed their definition of a pandemic just one month before raising the swine flu alert level.

As Spiegel Online reported:

On the WHO Web site, the answer to the question "What is a pandemic?" included mention of "an enormous number of deaths and cases of the disease" -- until May 4, 2009. That was when a CNN reporter pointed out the discrepancy between this description and the generally mild course of the swine flu. The language was promptly removed.

So the swine flu only became a pandemic because the WHO decided to change the definition in May last year to make it no longer necessary for an enormous amount of people to have contracted an illness or died before a pandemic could be called.

Instead, under the new definition, it doesnt matter how many, or how few, people are affected. All a disease has to do to be labeled a pandemic is move beyond a few countries borders.

So in mid-May 2009, just weeks before the swine flu was declared a pandemic, what do you think the 30 senior pharmaceutical company representatives wanted to discuss when they met with WHO Director-General Chan and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at WHO headquarters?

By changing the definition, nations were compelled to implement pandemic plans and to purchase H1N1 flu vaccines some already had existing contracts in place to do so! In the blink of an eye, this enabled drug companies to pocket billions of dollars on fast-tracked, untested vaccines.

Swine Flu Hysteria

In the beginning, even before it was declared a level 6 pandemic by WHO, a group of scientists were sounding the alarm that this might indeed be the terrifying, deadly pandemic they had been expecting for over half a century.

We were told that young, healthy people, pregnant women and small children were falling ill and quickly dying, and the virus was spreading rapidly. They even suggested it could mutate into an even more dangerous form that could kill countless numbers of people.

The drug companies, of course, also played a role in keeping up this mounting hysteria. According to Spiegel Online:

The pharmaceutical industry was particularly adept at keeping this vision alive. Manufacturers of flu remedies and vaccines even funded a group of scientists devoted solely to this issue: the European Scientific Working Group on Influenza, which regularly held conferences and meetings of experts.

The lobbying group was headed by Albert Osterhaus of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, who also happened to be one of the WHO's most influential advisors on influenza vaccines.

The Scam, Exposed

The scare phenomenon the scare machine the fear mongering that took hold of much of the world last year as government officials spread panic in the form of inaccurate swine flu statistics and worst-case scenarios turned out to be a major scam.

It started to come out in late 2009 when British and French media began saying the H1N1 pandemic had been "hyped" by medical researchers to further their own cause, boost research grants and line the pockets of drug companies.

Ontario health officials also declared H1N1 a dud pandemic, stating the huge government investment made so far may have been unjustified. And a study by researchers at Harvard University and the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit in the U.K. also found that the pandemic was never a cause for alarm.

After analyzing H1N1 deaths in the United States in the spring, then projecting outcomes for this past fall, they found the fu season should have been no different than a typical flu season -- and possibly even milder than average!

A Faked Pandemic!

On January 4, 14 members from 10 countries in the Council of Europe stunned the world by calling H1N1 a FAKED pandemic!

In a motion asking the council to investigate the declaration of H1N1 as a pandemic, these members accused pharmaceutical companies of faking the pandemic and farming it out to the world, so they could fill their pockets with the proceeds:

In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide.

They have made them squander tight health care resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines.

The motion, spear-headed by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), goes on to say:

The "bird-flu-campaign (2005/06) combined with the swine-flu-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health budgets, but also to the credibility and accountability of important international health agencies. The definition of an alarming pandemic must not be under the influence of drug-sellers.

The member states of the Council of Europe should ask for immediate investigations on the consequences at national as well as European level.

In the United States, we should be doing the same thing, by demanding a call to action for complete, detailed accountings from the CDC, the FDA, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and all health agencies and academic researchers and scientists who have stakes in any drug that is mass-marketed.

At the very least, this swine flu fiasco will likely make many Americans think twice before standing in line for an experimental vaccine against a very mild disease.

As for how it will impact the workings of the public health agencies well, that remains to be seen. As it stands, as of April 9, 2010 the U.S. CDC is STILL recommending Americans get vaccinated for 2009 H1N1.

Outrageous, yes, but true nonetheless.

14 years ago

Harvard Takes it Back and Says Swine Flu was Oversold 
Posted by Dr. Mercola | January 02 2010

[img_r][/img_r]A new analysis from Harvard University, using H1N1 deaths in the U.S. in the spring and projecting likely outcomes for this fall, suggests that the swine flu pandemic has been oversold.

The new paper suggests swine flu was unlikely to create a severe epidemic. In light of this, officials have taken many steps that may have been unnecessary, including mass vaccinations.

It is not clear how H1N1 will act in the coming months, but swine flu cases seem to have already hit their peak.

ABC News December 8, 2009

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

While many so-called scientific experts have criticized me and others who have spoken out about the fear-mongering and senseless mass-vaccination campaign surrounding the swine flu, more of the scientific community is now coming to the same conclusions weve been talking about for months.

The swine flu pandemic was a pandemic that never materialized, just exactly as I predicted.

Now it looks as though the H1N1 scare of 2009 will go down as one of the biggest government and pharmaceutical scams ever, renewing a healthy, and necessary, skepticism about government fear-mongering, the swine flu vaccine and the dubious dealings behind the implementation of worldwide mass-vaccination programs.

It started last month when British and French media began saying the H1N1 pandemic has been "hyped" by medical researchers to further their own cause, boost research grants and line the pockets of drug companies.

Ontario health officials have also declared H1N1 a dud pandemic, stating the huge government investment made so far may have been unjustified. And now, a new study by researchers at Harvard University and the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit in the U.K. is finding that this pandemic was never a cause for alarm.

After analyzing H1N1 deaths in the United States in the spring, then projecting outcomes for this past fall, they found the fu season should have been no different than a typical flu season -- and possibly even milder than average!

Early Studies Showed H1N1 Was NOT Dangerous or Highly Contagious

In the beginning, even before it was declared a level 6 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), a group of scientists were sounding the alarm that this might indeed be the terrifying, deadly pandemic they had been expecting for over half a century.

We were told that young, healthy people, pregnant women and small children were falling ill and quickly dying, and the virus was spreading rapidly. They even suggested it could mutate into an even more dangerous form that could kill countless numbers of people.

Well, Dr. Russell Blaylock recently shared some information that shows health officials knew very early on that H1N1 was probably not much more of a threat than the seasonal flu that surfaces every year. He says:

Once the pandemic had been declared, virologists tested the potency of this virus using a conventional method, that is, infecting ferrets with the virus. What they found was that the H1N1 virus was no more pathogenic than the ordinary seasonal flu, even though it did penetrate slightly deeper into the lungs.

It in no way matched the pathogenecity of the 1917-1918 H1N1 virus. It also did not infect other tissues, and especially important, it did not infect the brain.

Next, they wanted to test the ability of the virus to spread among the population. The results of their tests were conflicting, but the best evidence indicated that the virus did not spread to others very well.

In fact, an unpublished study by the CDC found that when one member of a family contracted the H1N1 virus, other members of the family were infected only 10% of the time -- a very low communicability.

Of course, nothing sells vaccines like panic, so you likely did not hear about this in the media. That is, until now.

The CDC Was Way Off Why are They Still Pushing the Vaccine?

The CDC previously estimated that the U.S. death toll from the swine flu would be around 90,000. Even using their own bloated numbers -- some 80 percent of which are in all likelihood unrelated to H1N1 -- 9,820 people have actually died from H1N1 from April through November.

That would STILL, according to their own statistics stating that the flu kills 36,000 Americans a year, put us squarely in the middle of the mildest flu season in recent memory.

Meanwhile, the CDCs own data states that flu activity is continuing to fall across the United States, with only 11 states still reporting widespread flu activity as of mid-December.

Yet, they are still touting the H1N1 vaccine as the best way to protect against this pandemic virus.

Well, as the word continues to get out that swine flu is another pandemic that never was ranking right up there with the bird flu hoax back in 2005 it looks as though the CDC is going to have a heck of a lot of surplus H1N1 vaccines on their hands.

So now they are stating that supplies of H1N1 vaccine are increasing and many places have opened up vaccination to anyone who wants it. Fortunately, many do not.

But the U.S. federal government has contracts to purchase 250 million doses of swine flu vaccine, which may explain why the Los Angeles Times recently reported that:

Health officials' biggest fear now is that, with the perception that the pandemic is waning, many people will decide they don't need the vaccine.

That the swine flu is waning is not a perception, its a fact, but Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is not giving up on selling those shots, either. She stated in a news conference:

"We have a wonderful window of opportunity to prevent or lessen a third wave."

A third wave?

Excuse me, but were still waiting for the first and second to show up!

So it appears the WHO and governments around the world are going to keep pushing their H1N1 vaccines through the winter and into spring, even though swine flu cases are dwindling and are nowhere near what you would call a true, dangerous pandemic.

The latest news confirms that H1N1 peaked in October.

In Britain, health authorities' original worst-case scenario -- which said as many as 65,000 could die from H1N1 -- has twice been revised down and the prediction is now for around 1,000 deaths. This is way below their average annual toll of 4,000 to 8,000 deaths from seasonal flu.

And the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Finland actually removed swine flu from a list of diseases considered dangerous to the public -- and that was back in July!

So I have just one further sentiment Id like to say to the media and health officials in the United States who are still trying to perpetuate the swine flu myth:

Its time to let it go now -- the jig is up.

14 years ago
Thank you Rourke for these. I now have ammo to throw at the sheeple.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
14 years ago
So, H1N1 was as real as Santa Claus?
14 years ago

So, H1N1 was as real as Santa Claus?

"Zero2Cool" wrote:

Santa isn't real? 😞
14 years ago
Santa is a virus? 😞
14 years ago
Smartest members on the internet my ass.
14 years ago
You mean drug companies, researchers and doctors would conspire to create a health scare to drive income?

No way. ::roll:

The same group we expect to fix the health care cost model.... they got two words for us the public. UserPostedImage
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
14 years ago

You mean drug companies, researchers and doctors would conspire to create a health scare to drive income?

No way. ::roll:

The same group we expect to fix the health care cost model.... they got two words for us the public. UserPostedImage

"pack93z" wrote:

My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷
14 years ago
I was never that worried about the swine flu. My friend got it and it was basically the flu with a lot of throwing up. He only had it three days. And yes, he did see a doctor and get it diagnosed.
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (10m) : I guess 3 games. Whatever
Zero2Cool (25m) : Bleh, that only impacts two games.
Zero2Cool (32m) : Packers are gonna get 3rd place division schedule next year.
Mucky Tundra (1h) : Kanata, seek help! lol
beast (3h) : I was rooting for the Bears to win and hurt their draft pick status
Zero2Cool (3h) : Forgot there was even a game last night haha
TheKanataThrilla (3h) : That was terrible.
TheKanataThrilla (3h) : Watching that game in its entirety yesterday is proof positive that I am a football addict.
beast (4h) : And horrible time management multiple times... and not being able to score more than 3 points on a team with talent
beast (4h) : Realizing the Bears didn't fix it from the previous week and do the same thing, getting the game to overtime
beast (4h) : They probably are not tanking, but they've absolutely mismanagement some things, such as Vikings seeing the Packers blocked FG and realizing
Zero2Cool (5h) : Crazy of Bears to have that mindset that is
Zero2Cool (5h) : Hail Mary stop away from 5 - 2. Not sure how that flips to tanking. Crazy mindset if true
beast (6h) : I've quietly questioned if Bears are tanking on purpose... they suddenly got a lot worse with some simple concepts like 101 clock management
wpr (8h) : Watching bares fans melt down over how putrid their team is, so enjoyable. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
Mucky Tundra (15h) : The Seattle Seahawks defeat the Chicago Bears 6-3. Jason Myers had 6 RBIs for Seattle while Cairo Santos had 3 RBI for Chicago
beast (16h) : Not nessarily, he might of been injured either way. He's playing about 50% of the games the last 4 years
Zero2Cool (22h) : If they'd been more patient with him, he'd be back already. Putting him out there vs Bears caused him to tweak it and here we are.
packerfanoutwest (22h) : well this is his last season with the PAck, book it
beast (26-Dec) : Sounds like no Alexander (again), I'm wondering if his time with the Packers is done
Zero2Cool (26-Dec) : Could ban beast and I still don't think anyone catches him.
Mucky Tundra (26-Dec) : Houston getting dog walked by Baltimore
packerfanoutwest (25-Dec) : Feliz Navidad!
Zero2Cool (25-Dec) : Merry Christmas!
beast (25-Dec) : Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
beast (24-Dec) : Sounds like no serious injuries from the Saints game and Jacobs and Watson should play in the Vikings game
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : both games Watson missed, Packers won
Martha Careful (24-Dec) : I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas!
Mucky Tundra (24-Dec) : Oh I know about Jacobs, I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to mimic Zero lol
buckeyepackfan (24-Dec) : Jacobs was just sat down, Watson re-injured that knee that kept him out 1 game earlier
buckeyepackfan (24-Dec) : I needed .14 that's. .14 points for the whole 4th quarter to win and go to the SB. Lol
Mucky Tundra (24-Dec) : Jacobs gonna be OK???
Zero2Cool (24-Dec) : Watson gonna be OK???
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : Inactives tonight for the Pack: Alexander- knee Bullard - ankle Williams - quad Walker -ankle Monk Heath
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : No Jaire, but hopefully the front 7 destroys the line of scrimmage & forces Rattler into a few passes to McKinney.
packerfanoutwest (24-Dec) : minny could be #1 seed and the Lions #5 seed
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : We'd have same Division and Conference records. Strength of schedule we edge them
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I just checked. What tie breaker?
bboystyle (23-Dec) : yes its possible but unlikely. If we do get the 5th, we face the NFCS winner
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : Ahh, ok.
bboystyle (23-Dec) : yes due to tie breaker
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I mean, unlikely, yes, but mathematically, 5th is possible by what I'm reading.
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : If Vikings lose out, Packers win out, Packers get 5th, right?
bboystyle (23-Dec) : Minny isnt going to lose out so 5th seed is out of the equation. We are playing for the 6th or 7th seed which makes no difference
Mucky Tundra (23-Dec) : beast, the ad revenue goes to the broadcast company but they gotta pay to air the game on their channel/network
beast (23-Dec) : If we win tonight the game is still relative in terms of 5th, 6th or 7th seed... win and it's 5th or 6th, lose and it's 6th or 7th
beast (23-Dec) : Mucky, I thought the ad revenue went to the broadcasting companies or the NFL, at least not directly
Zero2Cool (23-Dec) : I think the revenue share is moot, isn't it? That's the CBA an Salary Cap handling that.
bboystyle (23-Dec) : i mean game becomes irrelevant if we win tonight. Just a game where we are trying to play spoilers to Vikings chance at the #1 seed
Mucky Tundra (23-Dec) : beast, I would guess ad revenue from more eyes watching tv
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