+1 Proforis, interesting read. You know what else is an interesting read. The Constitution of the united states. Just got done reading it (I have a constitution app so a copy is always with me.) I did not see any mention of the powers congress has to monkey with the NFL. Nope no mention of it Mrs Watters (shes a commie wackadoo for those of you who dont know her act.)
Oh whats that you say article 1 section 8.1 says that congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes to promote the general welfare fo the US? Let us not forget that the Constitution is a legal document a document of law. Not unlike the contract players sign to a team of there own free will to play in the NFL. The constitution is a document limiting the federal goverments authority. Everything else is left to the sate or individual.
Oh whats that you say article 1 section 8.3 says it gives congress the power to regulate commerce? Keep reading sonny, it says to regulate commerce with Forign Nations and among the sates. Not private industry. In fact when James Madison was writing this the phrase regulate commerace was rewritten to mean to congress was to keep regular the commerce between states. In other words break down barriers between commerce of the states not impose on them. It was in effort to keep states from imposing tarrifs or other barriers to trade.
Really Godell, why do you feel the need to report to Congress.
"Wade" wrote: