I am a registered official in Ohio and that was a garbage call. Just because you TRIP over someone in NO WAY means it is a trip. Dugan went low for a cut block and the guy tried to hurdle him and got his legs contacted with the legs of the blocker. Not intentional in ANY WAY. Terrible call. That type of thing could be called 10 times every game.
"dd80forever" wrote:
You come to the defense of a call like this for the Vikings, but when a Packer lost his footing, slipped into the opponent on a kickoff, nothing? You know what the player's intentions were? Unbelievable.
And the Favre screen pass? Are you guys really that bitter that you could pin that on Brett. A High Throw? Ummmmmm most screen passes of that distance are high because even though the guy is close you have to lob it over the Defense. He couldn't have put it in his belly, Taylor's has to use his hands. Who catches with there belly in the pros anyhow? Unbelievable.
"dd80forever" wrote:
Rodgers does this same play, you'd blame him for the loss. Vikings QB does it, you say anyone that points out it was a bad throw must be bitter. Unbelievable.

You do NOT throw a 5 yard screen pass if a defender is between you and the potential receiver is facing you. The receiving player should be motioning away from you and the QB should lead the receiver down field or to open field.
In this case the ball should have been thrown outside to Taylors right arm and mid level, not high and there wasn't anyone around to throw it over. Vikings QB threw a bad pass, big deal. He's not perfect, get over it. Was the play his fault? Taylor SHOULD have caught the ball. Rule one in catching, if you can put your hands on it, you should catch it.
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I'm not a registered official in any state or anything fancy, but I believe the cause of the Vikings losing the game is on Brad Childress. Not so much Taylor or Vikings QB. Vikings were within FG range and passing instead of running? I understand you play to win the game, but I just think that was bad. 51 passes. 18 rushes for Adrian?