My biggest piece of advice to someone considering/debating colleges is: find the place that best fits your dreams/passions.
Whether you go to Oxford or to Podunk U, you're going to find no shortage of idiots, timewasters, and people who could care less about you. Worse, you're going to find no shortage of people who are going to shoehorn you into their vision of the world and what's important, people who are looking to create clones of themselves, and people who are going to fill your mind with garbage.
At the same time, wherever you go, you'll find people who can inspire you, challenge you, help you learn important skills, and who you can connect ("network") with after college.
But unless your focus on your passions, your deep interests, your core needs and values, odds are that you'll end up spending too much time and attention with the first group and not enough with the second.
And if I'm allowed a second piece of advice, it would be "Harvard makes a difference only for the last degree." I'd doubtless be better off if my history degree were from Durham or Yale (if I were good enough for either). But that I didn't go to either of those places for my really doesn't matter.
But the first point is the most important. The biggest mistakes I made in my education choice weren't from where I chose to go for the various degrees. The biggest mistakes I made were in how much I weighed things other than my passions and deep interests in making those choices.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)