Hah, no, I'm not that scared. It's more of an annoying sound than a disturbing one. I always thought that a system would run at a much lower temperature than the ones I was seeing. Apperantly, I was quite off. I realized that after your first reply.
Oh, and I wasn't planning on hitting the thing. Although that did help my old one extent its life after years of faithfull service. The pixels began to do weird crap. Nothing fixes that like a good hit.
As for the the financial question. I don't know if you're actually asking me that, or if it's one of your slightly sarcastic jokes, but I don't really mind talking about financials. Especially not since I don't have to face consequences for stupid/impulsive buys. Both of those might've been a factor here.
I had a PC that was totally worn down. It actually didn't work at all anymore when I bought this one. Not to weird, seeing that it was the family PC at first and mine later. Anyway, it was a pretty horrible thing anyway. 2.0 Ghz, 1.5 GB Memory, Ati Radeon 9600, dented casing.
Then I saw this PC. I really wanted a complete PC, not going through the hassle of having it build, screwing around with it, missing stuff, broken parts etc. Just worked enough to pay for the thing....
2.4 Ghz Quad Core, 3 GB Memory, 320 GB Harddisc, IP35P Motherboard, Nvidia GeForce 7400 GT and some more stuff that really goes to deep or doesn't interest me... and some funky colored bolt-like thingies.
To answer your question though, 550,- Euros I think it was half a year ago or so. ::roll: :shrug: