I was just told i can get 2 tickets from a guy at school, he will let me get 2 tickets for the Packer vs Steeler game in Pitts. I can't wait i'm so excited the seats are on the 35 yd line 5 rows up behind the visitors bench. I'm hoping the Packer players feel sorry for me and sign a bunch of autographs seeing i will be engulfed by Steeler fans.
I'm bringing my camera for sure and picking up a football to have them sign. The guy tried telling me i have to wear a Rodgers jersey or he won't let me get the tickets and i told him i guess i'll be at home watching it on tv lol. So if anyone else is going to be there let me know we can meet up somewhere.
I want the season to start now.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)