I want to believe Brett, but he keeps contradicting himself over and over and over again. I believe I've said it from the get go that this is more on the Packers than Brett.
Brett shouldn't have expected to be able to just waltz back in, but more so the Packers shouldn't have pressured him into making a decision so soon after the season was concluded.
The Packers should be better at communicating than they displayed during the whole thing and Brett should have been more stringent on his wants. If he didn't want to make a decision in early March, he should have stated as such.
With that said, Brett has said for a long time, its better to leave a year too soon than a year too late. His first retirement should have been his only retirement. I am glad he came back because (selfishly) I was able to see my all time favorite QB and 2nd all time favorite player have fun again for at leas ta half season more than i would have if he had stayed retired.
Heather, you showed reason and rational thinking in our discussions. It was encouraging. I feel your passion and completely understand it.
Same with Tripp, I'm glad to have you both on this board and say your opinion. Even though I disagree with some of it, it's great to have other views and it opens the door for great discussions.
I've tried finding facts to support those point of views, but each time I think progress is made, Brett has something to contradict it with. It's sad because it'd be great to have just ONE culprit in this mess, but there isn't just one. It was ALL parties involved. Again, I think more responsibility falls onto the Packers than Brett, but all are at fault. The choosing sides thing, is just kind of perturbing at times because there is no right side. That's not opinion, it's fact just as you've said, we don't know the WHOLE story, therefore there is no right side.
During some of Brett's comments after retirement, again, I was a little upset, but I know a lot of the source of his comments and I have a hard time faulting him for that. Sometimes family and friends should mind their own business and let Brett... be Brett.