Someone really needs to tell Favre to shut the hell up and stop throwing good money after bad...
He got scammed/conned out of over a million in the concussion treatment BS medical nonsense, then tried to help recruit more victims (thinking if they had more funding it might work)... maybe he's just stupid and innocent.
Then he got involved with taking government money, which he claimed he was innocent of, he was just told to he'd be called when to show up and was never called. Okay, that's plausible, considering the mismanagement and stealing that was happening, he might be innocent.
Then a different scam, this time misappropriation of government funding, in which he was the head guy trying to get the government to convert funds to his daughters school, for a new volleyball training area (which his daughter was and still is huge into volleyball... not sure if she's talented enough to make it, but she'll probably attempt to go to the Olympics), but they have subpoena text messages and proven Favre knew damn well he wasn't supposed to have that money, he might not of known exact where it was coming from, but if so, that's because he was willing and purposely putting his head in the sand for that issue, as he didn't care where the money was coming from...
And Favre didn't think some talking head would talk smack about his pure stupidity?
He's not young and doesn't travel enough to send dick pictures to young women anymore, or possibility try to cheat on his wife.... now he's all about talking good money and converting it to where it doesn't belong and he thinks everyone will just think he's a good ole country boy, innocent and stupid?
It's the third time (maybe more if there are more that aren't yet known publicly)... stop being a fucking idiot and people won't talk smack about you... it's that simple.