I got mixed feelings about this one... because whomever wins this game is really going to hurt their draft standings.
Currently the Bears are #2 and Packers are #8 and because they're currently tied for having the toughest regular season schedules in the NFL they're going to lose all tie breakers...
So in two weeks, after these teams play and have their byes...
If the Bears win, they could go from #2 to #8. If the Packers win this game, they could go from #8 to #15...
Of course, the Packers are going to win it... and ruin their draft pick and help the Bears draft pick...
Heck, and the Lions have the Rams pick with is at #3 and basically the same situation... when we play the Rams.
Lions own pick is currently at #13, because they beat us... kinda wouldn't mind if they did it again (I want some great players from high draft picks!)