You can't expect Linsley to get enough votes when he misses 3 games right in the middle of voting. If it had been the first 3 games of the season, perhaps. But not when it's been the last 3 weeks.
Originally Posted by: wpr
I said he deserved it, not that I actually expect the Pro-Bowl votes to get it right. One year, they voted the Packers backup Center in...
This is the main reason I think the Pro-Bowl is a joke. Those that deserves it don't nessarily make it in. (And then they also have edge rushers at both DE and OLB which will always beat out the non-edge rushing DE and OLB) . And all the freaking Alternative guys get the label to, which just devalues it even more.
And they don't even let people evaluate the entire season!It should be like the All-Pro list, a group of experts select who they believe is best... and then maybe they get together to have skill challenges... like they used to do, both the NFL used to do, but I believe they used to have some more laid back version which might not of been NFL directly, but two teams in non-football events.
Just spit balling here, but just have the Pro-Bowlers as an Award, then have skill challenges as a different thing. That way Pro-Bowlers are a set list... and no alternatives get the label.