I have to admit I am a bigger fan of taking more swings than trading picks to move up.
Originally Posted by: TheKanataThrilla
If the points were equal, I would agree
But it seems like the question is if, the points were insanely on your favor, would you pull the trigger. If that's the question, then everyone answer should be hell yeah!
But why would anyone allow that? Points should be close to being equal especially trading apples to apples (draft picks to draft picks).
Two 4th round comp picks don't even equal a 3rd round comp pick, and we're talking about being able to trade them for 2nd or higher?
The potential trades needs to be a little more realistic to me. Like would you trade your two 4ths and 6th for 3rd (No, probably not, but that's about equal trade value, not a 1st.