Man, you people are young'uns. I was born/hatched/dropped to earth/ or whatever on April 3rd, 1943. Let's see, umm , I guess that makes me about 20.
For those of you math illiterates....I'm 65 and wondering where the hell the years went. Don't take life for every day to the fullest, be happy and all that crap. Getting old is the SH_ _'s. I couldn't find my truck keys this's 5 above zero...then I couldn't remember what class I was subbing for. Lucky for me my wife is still somewhat sane and pointed me in the right direction. (It's her school I'm subbing at)
Point is: do what you can while you can, because someday what you can do you won't be able to do while you can. (direct quote from Yogi Berra)
Anyone for a Weenie Roast?