The NFL's GMs and HCs are once again doing a fine job of not saying what they are really thinking, but at the same time generating just enough media coverage with player visits to cloud the picture. Also, if the interviewed players don't end up in GB, there will be extra info on these selected players.
Yes, it's great fun to post our wish list and that of others as well. I too have my own favorites that I'd like to see come play for the Packers, yet with all my might I can't predict or influence what the
Paid Professionals will do. 10 different sources will have 10 different rational explanations for why they know who every team will pick in the upcoming draft. Some have the gaul to charge for their opinions.
I say, R-E-L-A-X and enjoy reading the reports on the players and update our knowledge about these young lads. As for who will be picked when, anyone got a set of dice. š