This kind of thing is actually making me lose some interesting in the NFL game. The PSI: New England thing took a toll on me as well.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Let's all break this down to what it is really all about , MONEY and lot's of it . Build up a story that attracts public attention and keep that story in the headlines and your "ratings" and "sales" increase . No mud will splatter upon the clean owners that in reality don't really care weather their teams win or loose as long as those Big Network Broadcasting Checks don't bounce. In addition, the sports reporters are more than happy to have some dirty laundry to air . The players that this focus is on , now must defend themselves to their fellow players while they avoid the heartless press, that only cares about today's headline . No matter weather the players or the commissioner wins , the owners win no matter what .
Those guys aren't Billionaires that own valuable Sports franchises for nothing . [whead]