8 years ago
I love this election.

People FINALLY are confronting "The Establishment."
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
8 years ago
Trump is a fucking Nazi - end of story. The man can't even handle being called a failure on all his bankruptcies without going ape shit. That's presidential material? You people are out of your fucking minds if you think that man could handle the job.

The knock on Bernie is all he wants to do is give away free shit. This is very disingenuous. I look it at more of a reclamation of all the money the wealthiest Americans have stolen from the middle class taxpayers of this country.

As for all my PH brothers that insist on regurgitating Fox Network information as their own knowledge; please, for the sake of your families and your decency - turn that shit off and quit letting it rot your brains away. I use it for purely entertainment reasons.
8 years ago

Trump is a fucking Nazi - end of story. The man can't even handle being called a failure on all his bankruptcies without going ape shit. That's presidential material? You people are out of your fucking minds if you think that man could handle the job.

The knock on Bernie is all he wants to do is give away free shit. This is very disingenuous. I look it at more of a reclamation of all the money the wealthiest Americans have stolen from the middle class taxpayers of this country.

As for all my PH brothers that insist on regurgitating Fox Network information as their own knowledge; please, for the sake of your families and your decency - turn that shit off and quit letting it rot your brains away. I use it for purely entertainment reasons.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

I consider myself a conservative. An ACTUAL conservative, not one of these Reagan neoconservatives. I'm a conservative like Barry Goldwater or Jesse Ventura.

But I'd rather have Bernie than any candidate for the last 3 decades. Why? The same reason that I, conservative though I am, voted for Peta Linsley and Cynthia McKinney the last two elections. He has authenticity, and he's not a paid stooge.

FACT. All Bernie needs is about 1/1000 of a war to pay for all his programs and still have enough left over to colonize Mars.

BTW, don't fear Trump. He's secretly liberal.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
8 years ago

BTW, don't fear Trump. He's secretly liberal.

Originally Posted by: nerdmann 

I don't fear Trump, I laugh at the fucker, and all the rubes that would actually cast a vote for him. He stands at the podium like he's Benito Mussolini. 🤣 I really think he believes himself a demagogue.
8 years ago
I don't like thinking of anyone as an idiot for their beliefs, especially if they have the guts to make their beliefs public and stand behind them accordingly. Those who spite them are the only idiots.

As for Donald Trump. What I like about him is when he is speaking, it comes off organic and not read off a sheet of paper like Ted Cruz and other politicians I've heard. Trump supports Planned Parenthood, but seems against abortion. I am against abortion because I think the child should be adopted if unwanted, however, it is impossible for me to understand every and all possible situations. One wicked one is dad rapes daughter, should she be forced to continue pregnancy for that 9 months? I don't know so I don't have a solid 100% direction.

I do not think Trump is a good person. I do think he took his inheritance and made more wise business decisions than negative ones. I like that he wants to strengthen our military. I like that he wants to pull overseas jobs back into the US. This is minor to me because I have not researched it heavily, but Trump wants to rid Common Core State System. The supporters claim it's great, but fact is you can't just put a blanket educational system in place. They want this blanket for the purpose of statistics, not actual learning. I like that Trump speaks his mind freely, even if often times coming off like a dumbass. I like that Trump refuses the Super PAC and has restricted his financial support to $5,400 per and has total'd about $8 million whereas Super PAC dishes out something like $25-$50 million. That is wrong, VERY WRONG!

I do not think the President needs to be a good Christian (as I've heard people say is he not and why he can't be President) nor do I believe a President needs to be choir boy/girl. The President needs to do what is BEST for our Country, our citizens, regardless of any personal character traits. I mean, we are electing a PRESIDENT. The mere fact that people are saying he won't be a good President makes me like the idea of Trump being President. If you think someone will be a good President, that to me reads off like he's a good politician. Forget that! I don't want another lip service puppet in the office running our Country. I want someone who says you want an omelet? Okay, we are going to break a few eggs!

I don't know if I am liberal or conservative (did I get the two parties correct?) but I do believe those who are better off can handle paying a little more to help those of less fortunate times. That being said, I do not think there should be as many free handouts dished out so easily. I believe when you work for something, you appreciate it more. And conversely if you are given something, you appreciate it less. I also think those of whom are very rich shouldn't be broken financially to help those in need because who has the financials to create more jobs? Those in need or those who earned millions?

That's a little overview of what I think I know mostly based off the words from the candidates. I don't do news channels. I don't care for opinion pieces to get my facts. I listen to the candidates talking and formulate my opinion from that.
8 years ago
Dakota just out of curiosity, who would you be voting for? From a few of your answers I am guessing Hillary because you want the free shit. But thats just my guess.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
8 years ago

Dakota just out of curiosity, who would you be voting for? From a few of your answers I am guessing Hillary because you want the free shit. But thats just my guess.

Originally Posted by: dhazer 

Bernie. The man's going to recoup all the money the wealthy have stolen from the middle class tax payers over the last thirty years of trickle down economics and treasonous tax evasions + the War Machine fleecing; and reinvest in infrastructure and rebuilding this country.

I would never vote for a Clinton.
8 years ago
I don't believe "Bernie", or ANY of the candidates will give back ANY of the money that the government has strong armed through taxes from the people.
Fact is, there is so much government waste, it would take a person that knows how to run a company (keeping it from going under) to make any real difference.
None of the past presidents have taken the time to see how much money is being wasted by all the different arms of government, and made them account for all the waste.

As long as no one does that, this country will just keep on blowing more and more of the people's money.
Remember the old saying, "The more you make, the more you spend"? Well, that's true for the U.S. government as well.
Just taxing the rich even more, won't do a damn thing for the middle class or those like me, who are much lower that that level cash wise.
We need accountability to make any REAL difference.

This country has been on a moral decline for decades. And until they get their collective heads out of their butts (the politicians) nothing will really change.
It will be just another "figure head" in the White House.
8 years ago
Speaking of Bernie ...